Это птица! Это самолёт! Это...
Несколько потенциально интересных любителям персонажа ссылок:
1. История Супермена и Лоис как принадлежащая к сказочному типу 425, мысль "на поиграться" тем, кому такие вещи чешут мозг:
Beast and Superbeast: Superman and Folktales part 1, Cupid and PsycheЦитатаFirst, the god who hides his identity (in this story, by arriving in the darkness) and second, the woman who tries to discover that identity. For lots of images of this story, and a lengthier summary, try here. His reasons for not revealing his face are farily clear in Apuleius. He seems to want her to trust him. Cupid says things like, "I would rather you would love me as an equal than adore me as a god." And "Love cannot dwell with suspicion." Here's an online version of the whole story, by the way.
So, has there ever been a clearer precedent for Clark Kent's relationship with Lois Lane than the line "I would rather you love me as an equal than adore me as a god"?
Sure, it doesn't quite line up with the bumbling Kent that so many versions of the story give us, but it's pretty good as a statement of Superman's motivations in maintaining the Kent identity.
The mythological context here also reminds me that the mixture of humanity and divinity usually doesn't go so well for the human in the story.
Beast and SuperBeast: Superman and Folktales part 2, East o' the Sun, West o' the Moon Beast and SuperBeast: Superman and Folktales part 3, Beauty and the Beast Старое туда же:
The 10 Most Baffling Moments In Lois Lane And Superman’s Love Life2. Супермен и Доктор Вертэм, гхм, подаривший миру "Соблазнение невинных, а за ним в общем-то и Комикс-Код:
The Amazing Adventure of The Man of Steel and the Psychiatric Censor — Superman vs. Doctor WerthamЦитатыWertham argued that Superman was actually the epitome of Nazism. Superman’s speed, strength, and near invulnerability, Wertham argued, drew close the concept of the perfect man and race that was located at the core of the Nazi Party’s ideology and thus provided subliminal support for the Nazi Party. This theme was adopted by CatholicWorld, who stated that Superman personified an ideal “very much in the style of a Nazi pamphleteer.” Gershom Legman, an American cultural critic and essayist, wrote that Superman “is really peddling a philosophy of ‘hooded justice’ in no way distinguishable from that of Hitler….” Wertham and friends’ condemnation of Superman for being an un-American Nazi mere years after the Nazi party condemns him for being a pro-American Jew is dramatic irony on par with the works of Shakespeare. Of course, it should not have really been a surprise since Wertham is also quoted as saying, “I think Hiter was a beginner compared to the comic-book industry.”
This apparently did not faze Wertham, who wrote:
"Some movie writers look in crime comic books for new tricks. For instance the producer of the movie serial Atom Man vs Superman, which was shown in about half the movie theaters of the country, is said to be “an avid reader of the comics, from which he gets many of his ideas.”
Television has taken the worst out of comic books, from sadism to Superman. The comic-book Superman has long been recognized as a symbol of violent race superiority. The television Superman, looking like a mixture of an operatic tenor without his armor and an amateur athlete out of a health-magazine advertisement, does not only have “superhuman powers,” but explicitly belongs to a “super-race.”"
Wertham struck back one last time on April 9, 1955 (which was after the imposition of the Comic Book Code and not very publicized), in an article the Saturday Review of Literature called “It’s Still Murder: What Parents Still Don’t Know About Comics Books.” Reading more like a rant, Wertham accuses the Comics Book Code of not being sufficient and the Association (and comic book industry) of being disingenuous.
Wertham’s attacks actually had the reverse effect and made the Superman comics more appealing to rebellious children since it was portrayed as forbidden fruit. Parents and educators took advantage of this by having the character appear in workbooks to teach grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
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аудио Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency: Wertham Versus Gaines On Decency Standards - слушаний Сената, навсегда изменивших комикс-индустрию.
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