Тим О'Нил о людях из мира комиксов. Незнакомые имена рекомендую погуглить, просвещения ради:
Alan Moore
Sex ain't a sacrament, because rape sure as hell ain't no black mass.
Brian K. Vaughan
I've never before met a man whose goal in life was to become a Showtime Original Series.
ЕщёGreg Rucka
I've never before met a man whose goal in life was to become an FX Original Series.
Brian Michael Bendis
Sold his soul to the two Davids - Mamet and E. Kelley, got change back for a $20. Thinks $4 for 20 pages of stuttering is money well spent.
Matt Fraction
Every comics writer has that moment where they realize they stopped being that edgy indie creator who works in mainstream comics to fund his edgy indie books and instead became a mainstream comics writer whose rapidly dwindling spare time is eaten up by conference calls with emotionally needy editors. You reenact this moment every day like Guy Pearce waking up at the beginning of Memento.
Tom Brevoort
True story: once said in an interview he always imagined he'd end up working for Fantagraphics. Probably still get the better part of the deal.
Los Bros Hernandez
Good News! Comics finally made it out of the low-art ghetto! Bad News! Welcome to the academic backwater of American literary regionalism!
Chester Brown
Ain't no way to a shame a man who released a 300 page first-person memoir about paying for it called Paying For It.
Stan Lee
Probably deserves every bit of credit alongside his collaborators, but will go to his grave vaguely dissatisfied by the fact that no one likes a company man.
Jack Kirby
Had the misfortune to pick the least remunerative industry possible relative to his talent. Most likely could have made more money drawing department store underwear ads.
Frank Miller
Has spent twenty-five years in a dogged campaign to convince people he's nowhere near as smart as we once gave him credit for. To be admired for his tenacity.
Jim Lee
One of the dominant forces in mainstream comics for over twenty years, still can't grow a God-damn mustache.