Что это значит?
Интервью: мейнстрим и вебкомиксыИнтервью: мейнстрим и вебкомиксы:
Brian Michael Bendis Interviews Greg Rucka - не буду работать Капитаном Очевидность, что происходит по ссылке, думаю, и так понятно. Иными словами, они оба говорят. О вещах, которые их в этом мире злят. Включая читателей.
I’ve always tried to write novels about things that piss me off, even if within the pages of the novel that anger was not necessarily evident. A book like Walking Dead, which has Atticus running really all over the world, pursuing human trafficking issues, that’s an obvious anger point. If you’re aware of the situation and not in some way outraged, then you’re not aware of the situation.
We’ve now been in it long enough now to where we see people come and go. We’ve seen the crash and burn, and you can see the crash and burn coming down the street. The only thing shocking thing about it now is that it used to take a two year solid arc of crash and burn, right? Now it’s eight months and you’re out. With all this entitlement, sometimes our names are brought up in it. Why do they get this? Without any self-awareness of how obnoxious it is and stuff like that. But it’s fascinating to see. Whatever road we’re on is littered with the corpses of entitlement.
Well, I’m a liberal arts educated English major, so I know how literary criticism works. I know that you can take the text and you can read the text to be anything you want it to be. People who bring poor critical skills can turn something to be whatever it is. The other thing the Internet has given us is a whole lot of self-appointed critics.
Comicbloc Exclusive Interview: Scott Snyder - интервью со Скоттом Снайдером, текущим сценаристом Batman, Swamp Thing и American Vampire о Совах, Джеффе Лемире и Мистере Фризе и прочих интересных вещах.
Axel-In-Charge: "AvX" Turncoats & Neal Adams' "First X-Men" - Аксель Алонсо, главный редактор Marvel Comics говорит о текущей серии AvX и грядущей First X-Men.
KAPOW 2012: An Audience With Warren Ellis - не совсем интервью, но пусть. Комиксы вгоняют Уоррена Эллиса в скуку.
CR Sunday Interview: Faith Erin Hicks - прекрасное интервью Фэйт Эрин Хикс, автора Superhero Girl и Ice.
I didn't have much awareness of art or comicking as art, I just wanted to draw this story that I had. I knew my art was improving as I worked, and I desperately wanted it to continue to improve, but I was also sort of... I don't know, if I was aware of anything, it was how limited I was an artist.
I feel like online comics nowadays are perhaps more mainstream, whatever that word means. Like everyone's making comics and everyone's passing comics around and comics are just this one part of the Internet, like cat pictures or whatever, rather than this specialized section, which was how it felt when I first started making them. Comics back then felt... I guess kind of niche. Now they're part of the rainbow of fun that is the Internet.
Art kind of freaks me out sometimes, maybe because I started out such a... not good artist, and had to do so much grinding and technical study to improve my work to a passably good level. At this point drawing does feel natural, but only because I've done it so much in the last 10 years. I have stress nightmares of waking up and having all those years I spent drawing wiped away and I'm back to square one, unable to draw. It comforts me a little to see pros like Mike Mignola talk about their art struggles, and express dissatisfaction with their past work. I'm not alone!
I'm of the opinion that the structured school environment and hours and hours of television is probably not the best thing for developing a creative mind. I would create stories as a kid because I was bored out of my skull and wanted to be entertained. I have a lot of social anxiety due to not spending a lot of time with my peers growing up, and not developing the same way socially, but I don't know if that makes me a better social observer.
I want to make the kind of comics I want to read. I think if you can get those moments in a book where you can wrap the reader up in the character's emotions and what the characters are feeling in the scene, then you have a reader that's really clicked with the book.
http://www.newsarama.com/comics/wide-world-webcomics-san-hannibal.html - интервью с Дэном Шчкейдом и Джей Ди Смитом, создателями San Hannibal. Говорят они в основном о своём комиксе, но не только.
The biggest thing comics have going for them is that people just plain like reading them. Some people don’t enjoy novels because small print gives them a headache and some people don’t enjoy movies because of the time investment, but just about everyone enjoys the interface of reading a comic, even if it’s just Calvin and Hobbes or a political cartoon or something.
Only thing I’d like to bring up is how incredibly supportive the online comics world is. It couldn’t be more different than print comics. There’s still cutthroating and turf wars, because people are people and if people were universally awesome then we wouldn’t have crime stories, but by and large it’s a huge web of creative individuals ready and willing to help each other out.
Ну и люди, которых Вы, скорее всего, не знаетеНу и люди, которых Вы, скорее всего, не знаете:
Mat Johnson On Race, The Right Wing & "Right State" - Мэт Джонсон, сценарист "Incognegro" говорит о расовых взаимоотношениях, политике и своём новом проекте. Вещи, которые обсуждают по ссылкево многом локально-специфичны, но небезынтересны.
CREATORS’ RIGHTS: How the Jack Kirby case caused acclaimed ROGER LANGRIDGE to quit DC and Marvel - Рождер Лэнжридж, художник и сценарист, рассказывает, почему он принял решение больше не работать на "Большую Двойку".
An Interview w/ Mike Huddleston - Алек Берри разговаривает с художником Майком Хаддлстоном, работающим сейчас вместе с Джо Кейси над серией Butcher Baker, the Righteous Maker.
Generally, yes, people don’t want surprises in the things that they like. They want McDonalds to taste like McDonalds no matter where in the country or world they are. You know, it’s just good marketing. It’s good business for artists like Jim Lee or Alex Ross to always look like themselves as fans know what they are getting, and for that matter when an editor is planning a team for a project he can hire an artist with the idea of getting “X” style from him. But those are decisions made for business, not a cultural enhancement of comics as an artform.
The single comic that comes to my mind when this topic is raised is an old issue of X-Men, an annual I think. In this issue the X-Men go to the South Pole, travel to the Savage land, pass through a magical portal and end up riding in a ancient ship attached to the back of a giant white flying dog. It’s ridiculous and awesome in the way that comics effortlessly can be. That spirit of pure fantasy and real strangeness seems to have left our top hero titles. Now the focus seems almost always to be realism… that’s fine I guess, but it’s boring.
For me nothing is more visceral than layouts. Those first few rough lines that hold so much potential for greatness…it’s kind of downhill from there, and at the bottom of that hill usually is comic book coloring. Color done well CAN have a huge impact on the reader, but so often in comics it feels that the line art is treated just as a coloring book. We add color in each spot, not because it makes the page stronger, but because we expect to see every white space filled.
I think corporate comics can still do interesting things, but to do so they have to fight against their corporate instincts.
An Interview with Trina Robbins, Part 3 of 3
- окончание интервью с Триной Роббинс. Про прогресс и женщин, создающих комиксы.
Супергероические команды - Мстители, Лига Справедливости и Люди ИксСупергероические команды - Мстители, Лига Справедливости и Люди Икс:
The Official Marvel Timeline - таймлайн киновселенной Марвел
Сразу в нескольких местах задаются вопросом о том, чему создателям потенциального фильма про JLA стоит поучиться у Марвел:
Thoughts on a Justice League Movie; How To Make The Justice League и What the JLA Movie Could Learn from Avengers.
В комиксах Мстители продолжают драться с мутантами, о над чем прекрасно, с ведением счёта, <a href="www.comicsalliance.com/2012/05/17/comicsallianc..." target=_blank>издеваются на ComicsAlliance. Because Chris Hemsworth is dreamy! Чуть серьёзнее, но тоже интересно о серии пишет Чад Неветт.
Chromium Maxim Models and Photoshop Layers: Uncanny X-Men #12 - потому что мы ни в коем случае не должны забывать, насколько Грег Лэнд плохой художник.
Often the medium that comic books get compared to the most is cinema, and that's for good reason -- cinema captures motion and comic books are meant to create the illusion of motion despite the fact that they're a series of static images (unless, of course, you're using Marvel's Augmented Reality app). Once an artist starts splicing static, contrived images into the DNA of his or her art, we stop believing what's on the page and fall into the Uncanny Valley.
I'm not sure which is funnier: her atrophied muscles or the fact that there's a green woman who decided to go fight crime in an outfit you could probably assemble at your local Old Navy. Even Frank Cho, whose art can generally be described as the word "male gaze" in 72-point font, knows that a character with a name like She-Hulk should possess at least a little more muscular bulk than the average woman.
I like what the words in the balloons seem to signify, but damned if I can match them with the pictures. I know it's work for hire and you can only care so much about stuff you don't own the rights to, but one hopes that Kieron Gillen's editors send him a gift basket every time Greg Land draws one of his comics.
А если вам хочется рецензию подобрее, то это у меня тоже есть: Review time! with X-Men: Season One. Эй, я сказала "подобрее", а не "хорошую"!
LGBTQ (в этот раз - с ударением на "G") в ваших комиксахLGBTQ (в этот раз - с ударением на "G") в ваших комиксах:
Об этом, наверное, сказать надо, хотя все и так уже знают: DC Comics To Switch The Sexual Orientation Of An Established Character. Об этом написали очень много и все подряд, но, если честно, на этой стадии это пока всего лишь успешная PR-акция, которая лично у меня вызывает мало интереса. Вот когда дойдёт до дела - посмотрим.
А вот с Нортстаром и его грядущей свадьбой [шутка про то, что идею украли у "Арчи" вырезана] интереснее, во всяком случае, если говорить о реакции:
Northstar's Nuptials: The Only Same-Sex Marriage I'm Opposed To - про то, почему свадьба и брак - плохая идея.
Weddings force endings on characters who aren't meant to have endings. It ties up love stories and limits interactions. Marriage does create some new story ideas of its own, but perhaps not enough to balance out the story opportunities that are lost. Certainly Marvel and DC both believe that marriage shifts a character's status quo in a way that is fundamentally reductive. That's why they undid the marriages of their biggest name marquee characters.
Northstar is a character ripe with potential. He's arrogant. He has swagger. He's an orphan; he's gay, and he's a mutant, so he's been angry his whole life at a world that doesn't love him and he still fights to save it. He doesn't want to rely on anyone but himself -- he plays on teams, but as an athlete he prefers solo sports. And he's a former brainwashed Hand assassin. That was a terrible storyline, but it can't be ignored; he's a trained killer with a dark streak, and that makes him a bloody-handed badass. Any writer who can't find good stories to tell about a character with that complexity lacks the imagination to do the job, yet Northstar has spent most of the past thirty years on the bench. This is a character who is ready to step up to the spotlight, and we're finally in an age when Marvel might conceivably do it, but marrying him off feels like a good way to push him back into the shadows, and this time for good.
Fairytale gay wedding vs gay marriage - а вот тут автор считает, что свадьба - хорошая идея, но не с этим женихом.
Truly, if Marvel and DC really want us to believe that they care about making gay marriage seem mundane and ”normal” then they need to show us two established, gay, married superheroes who work together to fight evil. They need to depict a same-sex marriage between working heroes, not as being some kind of unique, magical, unicorn of an event that merits ludicrous and totally unseemly announcements on The View.
It is important to me that mainstream media depict committed gay marriage as a facet of life and I’m very happy that this is happening. This is how capitalism works I suppose; nothing changes until big businesses believe that they’ll make a lot of money out of it. Unfortunately, this is just another example of a superhero marrying a member of the public and it just doesn’t carry the weight and importance of a relationship between heroes because it will never be the focus of the comic book (quite reasonably of course, because domesticity is not the stuff of superhero comic books.) If Marvel and DC are to truly embrace same-sex marriage, then instead of focusing on an obviously irrelevant event wedding, they need to give us a same-sex couple of heroes, who we get to see interact every day (and please don’t assume I’m talking about Batman and Robin, I personally think the age difference would make that much too divisive and creepy.)
The State of Gay Characters in Comics - гомосексуальные персонажи популярных комиксов: кто они, и как у них дела.
MARVEL ANNOUNCES ‘X-MEN’s’ GAY WEDDING: Does this mean mainstream comics are ‘evolving’? - Майкл Кавна говорит с людьми, работающими в комикс-индустрии о том, как они раскрывают тему однополых браков в комиксах, к которым имеют отношение. Среди отвечающих Джон Голдвотер - CEO издательства Archie Comics, которое, "сделало это раньше".
И, раз уж мы затронули тему, брак в ваших комиксахИ, раз уж мы затронули тему, брак в ваших комиксах:
Phil Noto's Northstar Wedding Cover: Beautiful Art, Terrible Omen - к грядущему событию Фил Ното нарисовал обложку, на которой изображены свадьбы самых известных марвеловских пар. Что очень трогательно, ну, то есть, если не обращать внимания на то, что подавляющее большинство этих людей больше не вместе.
Flashback to hype surrounding wedding of Spider-Man & Mary Jane - о том, как давным-давно рекламировали свадьбу Питера Паркера и Мэри Джейн. Видео!
Let's Be Honest: Idelson Hasn't Let Clark And Lois Happen FOR YEARS - о том, что не только у Марвел есть проблемы с "высокопрофильными" браками.
Женщины в... ну вы понялиЖенщины в... ну вы поняли:
Why I Write "Strong Female Characters" - ещё одна вещь, которую все уже видели: Грег Рака о том, как и почему они пишет о женщинах так, как пишет. Ну, знаете, Грег Рака. Тот, с которым говорил Брайан Майкл Бендис! Ещё он написал очень много неплохих комиксов.
If you're familiar at all with my work, you've noted that, not only do I frequently write stories with female characters as my protagonists, but these women share certain traits. They tend to be quite smart, if not all of them well-educated. They tend to be physically active, most capable of taking a punch as well as throwing one. They tend to be driven, goal-oriented, and willing to go to great lengths to secure their aims.
Conversely, those attempting to defend their mistreatment of women within the industry have revealed a staggering lack of understanding, empathy, and self-awareness, while seeming to rejoice in an arrogance that is near heart-stopping in its naked sexism and condescension.
I can speak for myself, and I can share my suspicions. First? Many men simply don't see it. They don't read what they've written, or if they do, they're blind to the content of their words, or they just don't recognize that there's work to be done here. For many, sadly, stereotype is enough, and the implicit failings in such writing either don't factor or don't matter.
But second, and far more damning? I think it comes from ignorance. Plain and simple ignorance, a crime no author should be allowed to commit.
The female experience is different from that of the male, and if, as a male writer, you cannot accept that basic premise, then you will never, ever, be able to write women well. A man walking alone through Midtown Manhattan at three in the morning may have concerns for his safety, but I promise you, it's a very different experience for a woman taking the same walk, and it's different again for a man wearing a dress. Think about it. That's a societal factor, and it's a gendered one, and this is not and can not be subject to debate. If you're looking to argue that sexism is a thing of the past, that the world is gender-blind, you're not only wrong, you're lying to yourself.
Marvel/Benefit Cosmetics’ SPYGAL is Condescending To Women - сексизм в рекламе косметики?! Какая неожиданность!
Прочее относительно серьёзноеПрочее относительно серьёзное:
Life on Earth Q: Love, Childhood, and All Star Superman (part 3) - Мэтт Сенека рассказывает, как и за что он возненавидел гранта Моррисона. Нда. С чем-то я даже согласна. Этого "чего-то" не так много.
Either way, since around 2008, when All Star Superman took its final bow, I’ve strongly resented Morrison for turning out not to be the version of himself I idolized as a kid.
Morrison’s public image is all but certainly the one to have benefitted most from the low visibility of and difficulty of access to avant-garde, non-corporate comics in America -- comics by people who actually do all the things listed above. Morrison capitalizes on a culture that discourages innovation and progress by telling a captive audience that his own staunchly unadventurous work represents those very values.
As ever with the avant-garde, though, the obscurity of art comics, while not entirely unintentional, prevents the work from reaching some of those who need it most. And it is Grant Morrison whose comics readers hungry for new frontiers but unable to access them end up with.
Morrison is gifted with a highly charming knack for conversation and an ear for esoteric and intriguing soundbites, making him one of the most compelling interview subjects in comics (corporate or otherwise) -- especially if the interviewer is one of the legion of critics who buy into Morrison’s construction of himself as a modern-day shaman, using comics to create myths for the modern day. The notion of Morrison as hermetic soothsayer is, of course, ludicrous -- true myth is culturally ubiquitous, not the privileged knowledge of a tiny group of cultish devotees -- but it is enough to convince his readers that the stories they are so obsessed with have a legitimate purpose and meaning beyond their ability to entertain for a few minutes and rake in money for the companies.
Morrison’s is the most dangerous kind of retrograde traditionalism: the kind that gives the audience for revolution just enough of it to dull their appetites, then puts them back to sleep.
Scott Kurtz is still Scott Kurtz - Кристофер Бёрд отвечает Скотту Куртцу, автору вебкомикса PvP. Тема: права оригинальных создателей супергероев, держащих на себе прибыльны франчайзы. у меня по поводу этого всего есть одна мысль, но пока никто не спрашивает, выссказывать я её не буду.
Of course, Alan Moore is still being screwed over by DC today, and Chris Roberson was booted off his titles post-haste when he said he wouldn’t re-up with DC because their actions were, you know, wrong and stuff, but I guess we have all learned since that happened a couple months ago and now it’s all in the past and DC isn’t going to release Before Watchmen after all. And of course Marvel isn’t going to attack sketchbook artists at conventions who draw Marvel characters, even though they’ve asserted that they have the right to do that if they ever chose to exercise it, because that’s all in the past and things are better now; I mean, just because Disney has a long track record of harassing absolutely anybody who uses their characters without permission (right down to unauthorized nursery school murals) doesn’t mean that they’re going to force Marvel to follow suit. Also, Alan Moore is (let’s be honest) kind of a dickbag, so it’s not really a big deal that DC is screwing him over. (1.I have honestly lost count of the number of times I have heard variations on this in the last few months. If DC was doing to Neil Gaiman a tenth of what they’re doing to Alan Moore, the nerdrage would measure on the upper end of the Richter scale.)
Now, granted, there is an argument against Kirby-screwage. It demands that you take the position that we must all be eternally vigilant against others who might try to screw us over or exploit our weakness for their own advantage rather than believe that we should rightly expect some sense of community and fellowship even from corporate entities. It is Randian and it is cold and it is heartless, but it is intellectually consistent and had Kurtz made it, I could at least maintain some respect for him even if I thought making it made him, by default, kind of an asshole. But Kurtz hasn’t made that argument (I expect in part because he recognizes that it is cold and heartless and doesn’t want to be thought of that way) and has instead defaulted to the “come on, guys, can’t we all just get along?” whine of the enabler. Which also means he’s still kind of an asshole.
Думала, класть это в "Интервью", но сюда оно ложится как-то легче - Эрик Стивенсон, издатель Image поговорил с IcV в трёх частях:
'Saga' Approaching 70,000 - часть первая про то, что с продажами у Image всё отлично.
Image's Digital Sales Are a 'Double Digit Percentage' - часть вторая про распространение физическое и онлайн.
New Marvels and DCs Have No 'Lasting Impact' - часть третья, самая вкусная, про специфику и достоинства Image, и про то, что... ну из названия понятно, да? На самом деле, название, конечно, всё очень сильно утрирует до обманчивости.
It’s kind of sad to me when I see a situation like with Chris Roberson. People talk to me about what’s going on with the Watchmen stuff. If Image comics had been around when Allen Moore and Dave Gibbons wanted to do Watchmen, they would have had someplace else they could have gone to do that type of work. The situation that developed out of what did or didn’t happen with those contracts would have been irrelevant because they would have had a deal that offered them 100% creator ownership.
If you look at the success stories over the last 20 years (start with Sandman, which is a weird deal between DC and Neil [Gaiman]), and moving up until now, you can’t point to anything new that has been created by Marvel and DC that’s had any lasting impact, but there are all these things, whether it’s Bone, Hellboy, Sin City, The Walking Dead or Y: The Last Man, that are all tremendously successful properties that have done especially well as trade paperback sales both in and outside the comics market.
Those things support the fact that there’s an audience for new material. Is there an audience for superhero stuff? Of course, all of the DC and Marvel superhero stuff that goes back 50, 60, 70 years, those people are going to be there, but I think there’s an audience that craves something new. Once you’ve read a story about Spider-Man fighting the Green Goblin for the dozenth time, I think you get hungry for something else. I think there are publishers out there who provide that something else.
Стивенсон удостоился отповеди от Comics! The Blog: A Statement on Eric Stephenson‘s Statements About Marvel and DC
Similarly, Stephenson’s statements have an insultingly simplistic view of work-for-hire because they assume that nothing new or worthwhile can be created using existing characters at this point. The fact that Dan Slott writes Spider-Man comics doesn’t mean that he’s not writing exciting stories with a unique voice, just like Ed Brubaker has been doing with Captain America for years. Hickman’s work on Fantastic Four – or Avengers Vs. X-Men, one of the comics Stephenson derides – may use existing characters, but it’s intelligent, engaging and moving. Scott Snyder’s Batman comics are some of the most singularly brilliant takes on those characters I’ve had the pleasure of reading. All of these are works made using company-owned characters, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good or, for that matter, new.
Besides the fact that insulting the comics your own creators are making, simply for not being ones you published, is insulting as all hell, it’s flat-out dishonest not to acknowledge that Image gets to piggyback on some of its creators’ success at the Big Two. Hickman isn’t high-profile because of The Nightly News (though that is a terrific book), he’s high-profile because he’s been writing one of the best Fantastic Four runs in decades. Ed Brubaker isn’t a star of the industry because of Lowlife, he’s got the profile he does because he writes Captain America and Criminal and that before that he wrote Catwoman and Gothan Central. If you want to brag about how Saga #1 has sold 70,000 copies – and you should – don’t pretend it exists in a vacuum where something he made for DC/Vertigo didn’t help establish his career first.
Мэтт Сенека, Такер Стоун и Джо МакКулох сделали подкаст. Я подкасты не понимаю, но имена вроде внушают доверие.
Художники и то, что они делаютХудожники и то, что они делают:
iFanboy Upstarts: Ethan Wright - новый художник, который будет делать вам красиво.
Top Ten Filipino Cartoonists - вспоминаемые навскидку братья Луна и Лейнил Ю - на девятом и седьмом местах.
Вещи, которые вы (почему-то) можете купитьВещи, которые вы (почему-то) можете купить:
Купальники и плавки!
Ювелирные и не очень украшения Marvel и DC!
И, в память о незабвенном тостере из прошлого линкспама:

Ну и, наконец-то, развлеченияНу и, наконец-то, развлечения:
Agent of S.T.Y.L.E. - SUPERMAN's 21st Century Redesigns - история редизайнов костюма Супермена в двадцать первом веке.
Любителям редизайнов фанатских напоминаю, что Project : Rooftop никуда не делся. В самом верхнем посте там у них сейчас фантастический косплей.
Thanos: Where Do I Start? - кто такой Танос, который, похоже, будет главным злодеем сиквела "Мстителей", и откуда о нём можно узнать.
Bizarro Back Issues: The 'Rainbow Doom' of Superman (1955) - всё-таки "Лоис Лейн - подружка Супермена" была... очень интересная серия.
Кстати о:
Две картинки

И, под конец via Bully, видео про радость и счастье. Фанатам Супермена и Человека-Паука смотреть обязательно.
@темы: DC, Marvel, Image, Warren Ellis, Webcomics, Brian Michael Bendis, Ссылки, Greg Rucka
Я вспомнила еще двоих филиппинцев, которые оказались в списке худодников, а чувак с 10-го места крут
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Плавки Вандер Вумен -
Обложку утащила в сообщество КомиксАрта
Ну новичок, да...
Плавки супер! Вспоминаю свой ворох DC-трусов из ТопШопа...
А ты на брюлики глянула?
Ага, и жестоко дала людям ссылку в АД)))
А у ДиСи с символизм в брюликах выглядит поэстетичней, чем у Марвела
Я её ведь сюда притащу, когда автор выложит вторую часть!
Ну так это, ты цены сравни)).
О! И ещё в коллекции DC покликай на индивидуальные страницы предметов - там местами модели демонстрируют брюлики "в образе".
Потому что мне в общем стыдно за всю большую обширность вываливаемого на публику АДА.
Успокаиваю себя тем, что целиком это всё равно никто не читает).