It's funny because it's sad.
Это не будет регулярной субботней рубрикой, это не будет регулярной субботней рубрикой, это не... о чёрт.
Нет, наверное всё-таки не будет. Просто на уходящей неделе их снова было много.
Wide Awake Press - в течении лета издательство выкладывает на своём сайте ссылки на избранные (и, предположительно, готовящиеся к изданию) вебкомиксы. На данный момент там уже есть Muscles Diablo, Ultra Lass, Oyster War, Rashy Rabbit и Ninjasaur. Рекомендация от Comics Reporter.
What I Drew - повседневные наблюдения акварельными оттенками серого. Рекомендация от The Forbidden Planet.
You, Me, and Zombie - весёлый милый комикс про девочку и её щенка в мире после зомби-апокалипсиса. Рекомендация от Comic Vine: First thing you'll notice is that this book is so darn adorable. Even the zombies are cute, in a weird way. The web comic has a slight anime feel to it mixed with some amazing watercolors.
Rutabaga: Adventure Chef - комикс про путешествующего по фэнтезийному миру повара-приключенца. Выдуманные рецепты прилагаются. Рекомендация от Comics Forge: The character design is where Eric puts most of the focus, which I find a great thing. I love seeing how he plays off the stereotypes to give us characters that we kinda of expect…that then go somewhere completely different. Take Rutabaga for example. When we first see him we think Indiana Jones/warrior and then we’re led somewhere completely different. The same thing happens with the king who appears gruff and majestic…and then starts asking one of the characters to put in a good word with his mom for him.
Max Overacts - экспрессивный маленький мальчик, его кукла для чревовещания и люди вокруг. У этой вещи есть номинация на премию Айснера. Рекомендация и рецензия на бумажное издание от Spandexless: There is no shifting of art style or professionalism as he breaks the story in as you often see in a lot of webcomics. The art is strong right from the get-go. He obviously didn’t decide to make Max into a comic without some real planning and I admire that in a comic. As much as it is, to a degree, accepted for webcomic art to evolve over time, there is something particularly endearing about the consistency of one that doesn’t. The only real evolution of the art is that Caanan is committed to the story being a real story and not just a series of vignettes.
DHARBIN! - снова повседневные наблюдения, на этот раз от художника Дастина Харбина. Рекомендация от The Forbidden Planet.
My Roomie, the Dark Lord - девушка и Тёмный Лорд, её сосед по квартире. Комикс начался довольно недавно. Рекомендация от Robot 6: Although Tramontano’s only done seven installments of the series to date, the comic hit the ground running with several entries worth sharing with friends.
Scenes From A Multiverse - много вселенных, много персонажей, много шуток. Комикс-обладатель награды National Cartoonist Society. Рекомендация от Comics Forge: The premise of Scenes From A Multiverse is relatively unique amongst webcomics, in part because Jonathan doesn’t depend upon recurring characters (although sometimes they do come back.) Instead Jonathan focuses on creating a comic with unique characters that can be enjoyed no matter the plot/story that he’s telling in that day’s strip. And while this might seem like it would hinder readers because they don’t have someone familiar to grasp onto, but instead I think it creates a more dynamic strip because we don’t know what’s coming each day.
Vattu - про столкновение кочевников с урбанистической цивилизацией и судьбе одной попавшей в рабство девочки. Нет, людей там нету. Ещё один комикс из общей серии Overside Эвана Дама. Рекомендация от io9: Vattu explores the early days of colonialism, a time when many Fluters aren't fully aware that they're being colonized. Otti has been fully indoctrinated by the Sahtans, to the extent that he views the Fluters, especially those who have not lived in the city, as inferior. Life in the city and as a slave will have enormous consequences for Vattu's identity as well. On the one hand, she is learning that the world is far wider than Fluter tradition held; on the other, she must decide what from her former life she is willing to hold onto.
The Graveyard Cats - история про кошек, занимающихся охраной границы между миром обычным и миром сверхъестественного. Неоднозначная рецензия от The Forbidden Planet: As it is The Graveyard Cats is a frustrating comic, not because it isn’t any good, but because it’s teetering on the brink of greatness, shows flashes of brilliance, moments of wonder and fantastic fun, and I just wanted it to take the next step.
Cleopatra in Spaaaace - древнеегипетские приключения в космосе. Интервью с авторами от Newsarama: But I think it’s more interesting to leave the readers out of the loop for now and reveal bits at a time. I will say after this last chapter plays out, her next story arc is going to be an origin story. So readers will get a lot of answers to their questions then.
Kushinagar - не вебкомикс, но выложенный в открытый доступ комикс Джо Сакко, автора и журналиста, о бедности в Индии. Рекомендация от Comics Forge: Sacco is kind of a Michael Moore of the cartooning world. He really writes about stories that wouldn’t be news if the corporate media did stories that actually mattered. We kind of get the same kind of corporate media that Jim Carrey gets in the Truman Show and for pretty much the same reasons.
Web Trip - интереснейший совместный проект нескольких еропейских авторов о путешествии двоих молодых художников по Европе. Читать можно последовательно или ориентируясь на местоположение. Рекомендация от The Forbidden Planet.
Рекомендации от The Comics Journal, точнее вещи, которые заслужили их более-менее положительную оценку:
Kiwi Blitz - What follows is relentless robot-fighting action leveled by the overwhelming cuteness of everything involved, from pink-haired Steffi and her lime-green Kiwibot to supporting characters like the Raccoon, a phantom thief in a raccoon suit, and the creepily cheerful robot girl 42.
The Relics - This is very much a journeyman’s piece, the work of an artist still learning how to do comics, but it comes together nicely and shows promise. Lynch completed The Relics last year, so the entire comic is available to read now.
Нет, наверное всё-таки не будет. Просто на уходящей неделе их снова было много.
Wide Awake Press - в течении лета издательство выкладывает на своём сайте ссылки на избранные (и, предположительно, готовящиеся к изданию) вебкомиксы. На данный момент там уже есть Muscles Diablo, Ultra Lass, Oyster War, Rashy Rabbit и Ninjasaur. Рекомендация от Comics Reporter.
What I Drew - повседневные наблюдения акварельными оттенками серого. Рекомендация от The Forbidden Planet.
You, Me, and Zombie - весёлый милый комикс про девочку и её щенка в мире после зомби-апокалипсиса. Рекомендация от Comic Vine: First thing you'll notice is that this book is so darn adorable. Even the zombies are cute, in a weird way. The web comic has a slight anime feel to it mixed with some amazing watercolors.
Rutabaga: Adventure Chef - комикс про путешествующего по фэнтезийному миру повара-приключенца. Выдуманные рецепты прилагаются. Рекомендация от Comics Forge: The character design is where Eric puts most of the focus, which I find a great thing. I love seeing how he plays off the stereotypes to give us characters that we kinda of expect…that then go somewhere completely different. Take Rutabaga for example. When we first see him we think Indiana Jones/warrior and then we’re led somewhere completely different. The same thing happens with the king who appears gruff and majestic…and then starts asking one of the characters to put in a good word with his mom for him.
Max Overacts - экспрессивный маленький мальчик, его кукла для чревовещания и люди вокруг. У этой вещи есть номинация на премию Айснера. Рекомендация и рецензия на бумажное издание от Spandexless: There is no shifting of art style or professionalism as he breaks the story in as you often see in a lot of webcomics. The art is strong right from the get-go. He obviously didn’t decide to make Max into a comic without some real planning and I admire that in a comic. As much as it is, to a degree, accepted for webcomic art to evolve over time, there is something particularly endearing about the consistency of one that doesn’t. The only real evolution of the art is that Caanan is committed to the story being a real story and not just a series of vignettes.
DHARBIN! - снова повседневные наблюдения, на этот раз от художника Дастина Харбина. Рекомендация от The Forbidden Planet.
My Roomie, the Dark Lord - девушка и Тёмный Лорд, её сосед по квартире. Комикс начался довольно недавно. Рекомендация от Robot 6: Although Tramontano’s only done seven installments of the series to date, the comic hit the ground running with several entries worth sharing with friends.
Scenes From A Multiverse - много вселенных, много персонажей, много шуток. Комикс-обладатель награды National Cartoonist Society. Рекомендация от Comics Forge: The premise of Scenes From A Multiverse is relatively unique amongst webcomics, in part because Jonathan doesn’t depend upon recurring characters (although sometimes they do come back.) Instead Jonathan focuses on creating a comic with unique characters that can be enjoyed no matter the plot/story that he’s telling in that day’s strip. And while this might seem like it would hinder readers because they don’t have someone familiar to grasp onto, but instead I think it creates a more dynamic strip because we don’t know what’s coming each day.
Vattu - про столкновение кочевников с урбанистической цивилизацией и судьбе одной попавшей в рабство девочки. Нет, людей там нету. Ещё один комикс из общей серии Overside Эвана Дама. Рекомендация от io9: Vattu explores the early days of colonialism, a time when many Fluters aren't fully aware that they're being colonized. Otti has been fully indoctrinated by the Sahtans, to the extent that he views the Fluters, especially those who have not lived in the city, as inferior. Life in the city and as a slave will have enormous consequences for Vattu's identity as well. On the one hand, she is learning that the world is far wider than Fluter tradition held; on the other, she must decide what from her former life she is willing to hold onto.
The Graveyard Cats - история про кошек, занимающихся охраной границы между миром обычным и миром сверхъестественного. Неоднозначная рецензия от The Forbidden Planet: As it is The Graveyard Cats is a frustrating comic, not because it isn’t any good, but because it’s teetering on the brink of greatness, shows flashes of brilliance, moments of wonder and fantastic fun, and I just wanted it to take the next step.
Cleopatra in Spaaaace - древнеегипетские приключения в космосе. Интервью с авторами от Newsarama: But I think it’s more interesting to leave the readers out of the loop for now and reveal bits at a time. I will say after this last chapter plays out, her next story arc is going to be an origin story. So readers will get a lot of answers to their questions then.
Kushinagar - не вебкомикс, но выложенный в открытый доступ комикс Джо Сакко, автора и журналиста, о бедности в Индии. Рекомендация от Comics Forge: Sacco is kind of a Michael Moore of the cartooning world. He really writes about stories that wouldn’t be news if the corporate media did stories that actually mattered. We kind of get the same kind of corporate media that Jim Carrey gets in the Truman Show and for pretty much the same reasons.
Web Trip - интереснейший совместный проект нескольких еропейских авторов о путешествии двоих молодых художников по Европе. Читать можно последовательно или ориентируясь на местоположение. Рекомендация от The Forbidden Planet.
Рекомендации от The Comics Journal, точнее вещи, которые заслужили их более-менее положительную оценку:
Kiwi Blitz - What follows is relentless robot-fighting action leveled by the overwhelming cuteness of everything involved, from pink-haired Steffi and her lime-green Kiwibot to supporting characters like the Raccoon, a phantom thief in a raccoon suit, and the creepily cheerful robot girl 42.
The Relics - This is very much a journeyman’s piece, the work of an artist still learning how to do comics, but it comes together nicely and shows promise. Lynch completed The Relics last year, so the entire comic is available to read now.