It's funny because it's sad.
Знаете, что сегодня за день?
День, когда я нашла на дороге мёртвого жука-носорога!
Или, если смотреть на это по-другому, день, когда уехавшая к морю и там заболевшая я просто не успела сделать еженедельный линкспам.
К утру всё, конечно, будет на месте.
Мне правда очень жаль, что так вышло, но наконец-то оно готово.
Проблема тут, правда, не только в моём отъезде, но ещё и в том, что неделя (14-е июня-20-е июня) вышла довольно скучная. Особо светлых пятен как-то не наблюдалось, а значит и ориентироваться при отборе из моря середнячка оказалось сложно. Добавим мою усиленную отпускным настроением неспособность к саморедактуре и получим море ссылок, которое ждёт вас под катами. Ещё раз: мне очень жаль.
В четверг всё будет как обычно.
Chris Claremont on the Original Plan for Maddy Pryor - Крис Клэрмонт о Мадлен Прайор. Видео.
Bill (Finger) the Boy Wonder: Five Questions with Marc Tyler Nobleman and Ty Templeton - интервью с авторами книги-комикса о "настоящем создателе Бэтмена": I'd say if we had to split it just between those two, it's something like 70% for Finger and 30% for Kane. But if we can include Jerry Robinson and Dick Sprang, then I'd lessen Kane's contribution to about 10% of the overall world of Batman. I'm only scoring him that high because he came up with the name. In fact, as the series continued, I'd start scoring Bob Kane in the negatives, because he became detrimental to the success of Batman by the early sixties.
Туда же: First joint interview with Bill Finger's granddaughter, whose name is... - интервью, который уже один из авторов книги берёт у внучки Билла Фингера. Аудио.
Robert Washington's Final Interview Offers Thanks To Hero Intitiative - последнее интервью Роберта Вашингтона Третьего, скончавшегося на днях создателя Static о значении в его жизни благотворительного фонда Hero Initiative.
Old Wolfman/Wein Interview - старое интервью с Леном Вейном и Марвом Волфманом, вместе работавшими над Фантастической Четвёркой.
JZ: In general, what is your opinion of what followed your work? How do you feel about what John Byrne is doing now?
LW: I liked it when Stan did It. My principal complaint -- and I may feel stronger about this than Marvin -- is that I muchly resent what John is doing, I resent his implication that everything in the past 20 years hasn't happened, that it's still 1964. Everything he's doing is throwbacks to the past. I resent him tampering with so much of the legend. In the space of a couple of months, he's taken care of the Inhumans and moved them to the moon; he's taken care of a couple other things like that. It's really very imperious to suddenly decide to change so much that is integral to the whole Marvel mythos, as opposed to just a supporting character in a book
LW: The FF was incredibly melodramatic. There was more adjective, more every-panel-life-and-death-ishness to the FF than there ever was for any other Marvel character or any other Marvel book. Every panel was a trauma, every panel was up to its ears in drama. Everyone worried constantly about whether the world was going to come to an end tomorrow or now. That was unlike any other book. I don't think any of us took the same approach with that book that we ever took with any other book...
MW: You couldn't, because of its nature. Spider-Man had to be realistic, and funny. The Fantastic Four was more cosmic, even if they had "straight" stories.
Open Q&A: Greg on ideas - Грег Рака об идеях и реализации: Most of the time, I end up making the decision on both efficiency and efficacy. I want a story to have an effect, to have a result for the audience – I want an emotional response, or a thought, and that doesn’t mean either has to be particularly deep, but the story should provide some sensation, if only pleasure, if only amusement. So an idea that is intensely visual, for instance, is going to be better suited for comics or another visual medium. Ideas that may appear, at first, to be visual but are instead far more internal, character-pieces, may work best in prose.
Q&A: Matt Groening Gets the Heck out of 'Life In Hell' - создатель "Симпсонов" Мэтт Гроэнинг, принявший решение прекратить издавать свой авторский стрип Life in Hell, о том, что привело его к этому решению.
“Because They’re Present in My Head”: A Frederik Peeters Interview - интервью с швейцарским автором Фредериком Питерсом: I mean, I really don’t know what I am going to draw and tell when I grab the first page. I know the subject of course, the autobiography of a part of my life, or science fiction, and I have a vague feeling of how to start—a context, maybe the main character—and the rest comes while I am drawing strange abstract images, like drawings you make when you’re on the phone. It’s a way to start the engine, if you like, it allows to open a door in the brain.
Комиксы и их создателиКомиксы и их создатели:
Review: Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines - отзыв на фильм о женщинах и Чудо-Женщине.
Why I was vulnerable to The History of Invulnerability - отзыв на фильм о судьбе создателей Супермена.
Michael Kupperman: A Comics Voice that Defies Categorization - о Майкле Каппермене: Kupperman is in a genre all his own. He has a voice so distinct that it's easy to think that he doesn't necessarily fit in a box with other comics creators.
Original Art Stories: The REAL Von Eeden Black Canary - история редакторских изменений в рисунок вообще и редизайн Чёрной Канарейки в частности: So every picture of Black Canary in that Huntress issue was inked over some faceless Production Department person's repencilling of my original work.
Creator ownership and the generation of comic book movie properties и “Once creator ownership was on the table, the moviable properties were largely works that creators maintained ownership of.” - о корреляции принадлежности интеллектуальных прав на комикс и возможности экранизации.
Статьи и заметки про медиум вообщеСтатьи и заметки про медиум вообще:
Roger’s Comic Ramblings: Writing for Back Issue - комикс-журналист рассказывает о том, как он подготавливает материал на заданную тему.
The Best & The Worst Things About Being A Syndicated Cartoonist - о работе и жизни (выживании) автора газетных стрипов: For syndicated cartoonists breaks are not so common to come by. (You better have a week’s worth of extra strips just sitting in a drawer somewhere in case there’s a death in the family. I’m not kidding — it’s the truth.) Syndication is a treadmill that you can never get down from, no matter what is happening in your life. If a plane crashes into your house, you better have an alternate internet connection so that you can send in your work for that week.
Why Are There No Superstar Artists? Or, Comic News Sites Are Eating Their Own Tails By David Doub - о том. что же случилось с художниками-"звёздами", способными одним своим именем обеспечивать продажу огромных тиражей: So when I read about comic news sites musing over why known creators can’t seems to get traction on new projects, I have to laugh because they’re some of the ones who helped to obscure these projects and push them out of any potential spotlight they might have had.
Comics Techniques and Tricks: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Panel Transitions - переход между кадрами на примере конкретной страницы.
Продолжение освещённого ранееПродолжение освещённого ранее:
Dear Sir, Regarding Your Affection for A Compacted Catwoman - про обложку с искривлённой Женщиной-Кошкой.
In fact, I think most critics would agree that the cover isn’t sexy enough; indeed it’s not sexy at all. Catwoman should be considerably sexier than this chew toy-shaped carbuncle. But that’s subjective. Some people may find this fleshy bow-tie immensely sexy, and to each their own. I’m not attracted to women myself; if I were I’d like to think I’d prefer ones who don’t look like they’ve had a close encounter with a car crusher, but I respect your choices, sir. Good for you for having the confidence to stand up for your fetish.
This cover is insulting to women, not because it’s sexual, but because it’s bad. It’s also insulting to heterosexual men, but heterosexual men have apparently never minded an insult they can wank to.
И два комикса про то же.
Заодно естественный вопрос: изменит ли DC злополучную обложку?
The New Ultimate Spider-Man And The Continuing Curse Of Nick Fury - продолжене поста ненависти к Алтимейт Нику Фьюри: But whatever explanation we have for this ridiculous train of events, the fact is that this Nick Fury is revealed by the end of Who Is Miles Morales? to be even more of a monster than Ultimate Fallout's climax inadvertently showed him to be. He's the Nazi's Nazi, the number one state-sponsered bastard in all of comicdom. He doesn't just let children barely into puberty throw themselves out at the very worst of super-villains, he enables and thereby encourages it.
Growing Up a Gay Comics Reader Part 3: Proliferation - Продолжение истории взросления комиксфана-гея. Конец девяностых и двухтысячные. Туда же: обновлённая история ЛГБТ-персонажей в комиксах - теперь с Аланом Скоттом.
No Romance: Paying For It - свежая рецензия на комикс, который меня травмировал.
Spider-Man and Superhero Torture - продолжение разговора про Человека-Паука и пытки.
And yet I have a hard time finding the major difference between Peter's actions here and the steps that Batman takes on a regular basis to extract information from criminals. Is there a difference between "acidboarding" and dangling a criminal off a rooftop or breaking a few bones to find out where the Joker's hideout is?
And so when Spider-Man uses real-world(ish) torture in that typical fictional scenario, we're left with the conflict between the real world and the narrative world, a conflict that primarily exists because the narrative world wants to emulate the real world. I don't know how exactly to solve this conflict, not in a way that's actually applicable in any kind of universal sense, but I think a good step would be to keep the moral paragon characters from engaging in torture.
Meet the Magus Part 3:The Deep Green, Jack of the Green, and the Swamp Thing - продолжение анализа влияния магических практик Алана Мура на его творчество.
Image Comics Publisher: What's So Wrong With Wanting Your Comic To Be A Movie? и Image publisher argues independent comics as movie pitches aren’t a bad thing - обсуждение мнения Эрика Стефенсона.
Jeffrey Brown gets painfully honest - в очередной раз про Джеффри Брауна.
Star*Reach Classics #1 - Дэвид Бразерс о комиксе Джима Старлина и Дэйва Сима: I like seeing people working out their thoughts in public. I’ve done a lot of it here, obviously. It’s like watching someone rub their chin and mull over a point in person. Starlin married his conundrum to his artwork, and the results are pretty great. It’s not going back to the well at all. It’s trying to solve a puzzle by recreating that puzzle in several different configurations.
Nonentity In the Holy Land и Jerusalem - две вдумчивые и довольно прохладные рецензии на последний автобиографически-политическо-этнографический комикс Гая Делисла.
Reading Periodicals - о нескольких периодических изданиях маленьких издательств.
Surfing the skies with Kenny Who - о 2000ad 1986: Midnight Surfer, по мнению автора являющимся просто восхитительным экшен-комиксом: It’s a prime slice of classic-era 2000ad, with the usual witty and pointed sсript by John Wagner, but it’s the extraordinary art of Cam Kennedy which brings real power and grace to this story, finding sublime beauty in a tale of crazy people blasting through the sky on flying surfboards.
An Ode To NY In the Key of War: Brian Wood’s DMZ - песнь любви DMZ: Without a doubt, DMZ is a story about war. It is the heartbreak of every entrenched, senseless death in a civil conflict, the brutal argument of a government tearing itself to shreds, and the nightmare of the lives and landscapes changed by violence. Yet set underneath this vibrant political story is the setting of Manhattan, it’s neighborhoods and complicated cultural landscape, and the way it fights to evolve and survive against the hailstorm of bombs and bullets overhead.
CASANOVANAUTS: My First Earthquake / You Fuggddit Up - про последний вышедший номер серии Casanova и то, что же всё это значит: Casanova is, perhaps above all else, about growing up. If Avaritia ends the overall series’ first act, then it’s a perfect third act to what’s happened so far, because it charts the rise, fall and rise of Cass in three clear themes.
Ten Things: FATALE Issues #1 to 5 - десять мыслей о Fatale Эда Брубакера и Шона Филлипса: ...while FATALE nods to human weakness certainly, in page after page of narration (“The way he felt about Josephine… It was out of balance with the world“), if the male characters’s agency is being controlled by magical forces rather than human weakness… isn’t human weakness let off the hook? And isn’t the audience thus let off the hook? How long can a noir story or a horror story sustain itself if it lets human weakness off the hook?
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 2009, By Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill - рецензия на свежий том Лиги невероятных Джентльменов. Ну тот, где Гарри Поттер оказался Антихристом. Об истории Мура и Поттера тут: Alan Moore created Harold Potter long before he turned him into the Antichrist.
Green Arrow by Mike W. Barr & Trevor Von Eeden (1983) - о минисерии про Зелёную Стрелу: But the super-heroics really aren’t very important at all in Barr and Von Eeden’s Green Arrow. Their decision to focus on character rather than the threadbare traditions of the super-person punchup leaves the series seeming like a very distant ancestor indeed of today’s obsessively super-hero-centric comics, in which the very sight of a typical, costumeless individual who’s not functioning as a victim can come as something of a surprise.
Trade Waiting - Forming by Jesse Moynihan - история человечества инопланетяне как боги и мифы вокруг них: Jesse Moynihan is one of the brightest new talents in comics. His writing style is easy to follow and not particularly convoluted, a massive feat especially when by the end of the book there are about a dozen people who could be considered the main character. Using already recognisable characters from stories we all know is something Moynihan uses to his advantage, and his seeming faith in his readership to know these stories means he doesn’t have to worry about who and what the characters motivations are as we all know them already, or if we don’t they are only a Wikipedia search away.
Only Skin - страшная история про маленький городок и пропадающих людей: Only Skin relies in no small part on the interactions of its characters, and I think that Ford understands this all too well. Watching Cassie and Clay either meet or reacquaint themselves with the new people in the town is a careful process. Ford doesn’t rely on large blocks of expository text, but lets explanations and flashbacks occur organically. By the time you understand the significance of the other missing people beyond Cassie’s father, we’re deep into Only Skin and a lot of the anger and previous encounters snap firmly into place.
Random Recommendation: The Olympians By George O’Connor - очередные истории-переосмысления по мотивам древнегреческой мифологии: O’Connor is bold enough to ...craft his own story and angle on the gods instead of trying to just copy what’s come before. His tales of the gods are reminiscent of the ancient stories, and at the same time are new and unexpected as well. It’s the best of both worlds.
Collect This Now! | La Pacifica - называемая автором отзывом "лучшим, что было издано Paradox Press" криминальная драма с закрученным сюжетом: It is, let’s face it, a great hook for a story, a classic noir tale amped up to frenetic levels, although it thankfully never spirals into over-the-top self-parody or absurdism. One of the things that makes the series successful, however, is how the authors draw parallels between the blood these obsessed men shed and the violence that occurs in the rest of the world.
Cruisin’ with the Hound: The Life and Times of Fred Toote’ - о сборнике автобиографических комиксов Спейна Родригеса: At his strongest, Spain moves beyond picto-fiction by having the captions and pictures in sardonic tension.
Top Ten Tuesdays - Why The Underwater Welder Must Be Bought - о готовящейся к выходу в Top Shelf авторской работе автора Sweet Tooth и сценариста Animal Man и Justice League Dark Джеффа Лемира: Lemire's scratchy lines and haggard people convey more emotional story for the character than any digital colour ever could. Lemire's style is uniquely his own and, once again, he's used it to tell a story only he could tell. Well, only he could tell this superbly.
Channel Zero: Won’t someone not think of the children? - про переиздание старого, являющегося как-бы-но-не-совсем приквелом к DMZ, комикса Брайана Вуда: See, Channel Zero is like a semi-prequel to his next great work, DMZ. It’s all about what would happen if Jerry Falwell got his way, and the Big Bad Government replaced the Constitution with the Bible... If you like Brian Woods’ work, punk rock, and anti-authoritarian revenge fantasies you’ll like this. Or if you’re just looking for a swank new collection of the work with bonus material from Becky Cloonan.
The Color of Night: The Wrong Place - отзыв на комикс о ночных приключениях двух друзей: This book is one of the splashiest characters studies I've ever read, as Brecht uses the looseness of his watercolor approach to get expressionist and almost abstract on some pages.
“Or Is There ANOTHER Way?” COMICS! Sometimes The Carny Winds Up In The Fridge! - отзыв на восьмой номер Creepy - антологии хоррора от Dark Horse.
Comics I Read In Series Form In The 1980s: Elektra: Assassin - про "Электру" Миллера и Синкевича: Elektra: Assassin is a super-crude hate letter to both ends of the political spectrum, a take as broad as anything Miller would create subsequently, this time aimed at the two sides of the American political divide that basically said they were the same thing heading for the same result: our total destruction. I take it as seriously-intended, because I'm not sure Miller has ever done anything not seriously intended.
Womanthology: Gender Is the Least Interesting Thing About This All-Female Comics Anthology и American Comic: Womanthology Heroic (English) - отзывы на антологию комиксов авторов-женщин: Womanthology isn't just a comics anthology. It's a call to action. You'll read it and, hopefully, will become inspired to finally take on the big project that has been in your head for months or years. You'll be compelled to make your art your way. It takes an impressive book to accomplish that.
Про супергероев, суперзлодеев и супергероикуПро супергероев, суперзлодеев и супергероику:
Beauology 101: Payment Upon Delivery - про то, стоит ли содержимое супергероических комиксов денег, которые за них просят: I would love to see more true story and character substance shoved back into mainstream superhero stories. I would love to see characters regain their human sense of humor, that has become a lost art with a lot of (Not All) writers.
The superhero genre will never attain the thematic purity or unaffected honesty of 1950s-70s Jimmy Olsen stories. - коллекция обложек с попутными размышлениями: The answer is simply this: the writer doesn’t confront his characters with problems that they already possess the skills to cope with. The writer confronts his characters with problems that the characters haven’t yet learned how to cope with, regardless of those characters expertise in other talents... One of the reasons why modern superhero comics fail to captivate people is that their self-important seriousness has passed earnestness and passed self-parody and moved into a perverse mixture of passionate fetishism and pretentious ambitionlessness.
"Who is your favourite superhero?" - о том. какого супергероя можно считать "лучшим" и почему.
New 'Batman Incorporated' issue is 'one for the girls' - Грант Моррисон о том, что грядущий номер Batman Incorporated будет особенно интересен "девочкам". Потому что он про Талию Аль Гул. Девочкам про девочку. Я хочу кидаться чем-нибудь тяжёлым.
The Most Mundane Man in Metropolis - Супермен как самый скучный супергерой. Ответ тут: Is Superman Boring? A response to Will Leitch's "The Most Mundane Man in Metropolis".
DC Histories: Lex Luthor - история Лекса Лютора.
The Joker: Where Do I Start? - основные комиксы, которые стоит прочитать желающим получить более-менее полное представление о Джокере.
LADIES LOVE SPIDEY - женщины Питера Паркера и Человека-Паука.
Ask Chris #110: The Best 'Imaginary' Story - лучшие "Вымышленные истории" DC: As for Marvel's What If comics, I've never really been a huge fan of those. They have a similar focus on closure, to the point where the answer to almost every question in the Marvel Universe that starts with "what if..." is "everyone would die," but for some reason they've never really hooked me... Plus, I've never really forgiven What If for "What If The Punisher's Family Hadn't Been Killed," in which the Punisher's family gets killed anyway. That's not how it works, guys!
“Swamp Thing! / You are amazing!” - самые запоминающиеся и характерные кадры "Болотной Твари".
День отцаДень отца:
Ten of a Kind: From the Button-Down Mind of Jonathan Kent - Джонатан Кент и обложки Серебрянного века (и не только).
DC Wishes You a Happy Father's Day - отцы во вселенной DC: мёртвые, плохие, ненавистные и... прочие.
Десять лучших и десять худших отцов в мейнстримных комиксах.
"До Хранителей""До Хранителей":
…And the Superhuman Review – Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1 - отзыв на первый номер "Шёлкового призрака. Отзывов этих сейчас полно, но тут лично меня зацепило вот что: It’s funny, since the book was so good, we really don’t need to say too much about it, as it was just a flat out normal good comic book. Good to see!
Допустим, это правда. Допустим, это действительно "просто нормальный хороший комикс". Пусть так. Вот какая штука: "Хранители" - что угодно, но уж точно не "просто нормальный хороший комикс". Относиться к ним можно по-разному, но, думаю, с тем, что в их случаях разговор ведётся на совсем другом уровне, спорить будет очень мало кто. И вот, происходит то. что происходит, и происходит оно, если отодвинуть разговоры о загребущих руках алчной корпорации, для того. чтобы на выходи получить... просто нормальный хороший комикс? И что всё это стоило делать. чтобы получить просто нормальный хороший комикс?! И... неужели сейчас DC, чтобы всего лишь сделать просто нормальный хороший комикс необходимо вытворить всё это? Всё настолько плохо?
Minutemen and Silk Spectre | Roundtable Review - круглый стол-рецензия на первые номера первых двух серий приквелов.
My sсript for “Way Before Watchmen” Issue 1/a> - глумление текстовое.
Current Comics Rewrite! Let's Rewrite Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1! - глумление фотошопное номер один.
И глумление фотошопное номер два:

Новости больного безумного прекрасного мираНовости больного безумного прекрасного мира:
Grant Morrison MBE - Грант Моррисон - кавалер Ордена Британской Империи!
Justice League XXX To Feature Gay Green Lantern And Nightwing Scene - потому что вот что: But Rob Black, director of the recently announced Birds Of Prey XXX, looks like he may be dipping his toe into the water. Inspired by recent headlines, he will feature a gay Green Lantern in the upcoming Justice League XXX 3D production, played by gay porn star Adam Killian (right). And he is planning a scene with Green Lantern and Nightwing getting down and dirty with each other.
Superman license plate coming, but 'Ohio-Birthplace of Superman' slogan won't fly - законодательное собрание Огайо вот-вот одобрит номерные знаки с символикой Супермена.
Супергерои и одеждаСупергерои и одежда:
Committed: Alexander McQueen, Tailoring, and the Superhero Silhouette - о женской (и не только) одежде и супергероях: Too often, the influence of comic books in high-fashion is reduced to only the most obvious graphics, with garish and unwearable splashes of Leichtenstien-style words or dots on t-shirts and stretchy leggings. The use of bold colors or prints on spandex is not the only way for designers to evoke comic books. Even today, women’s designers are still creating these unstructured, unforgiving garments and saying that they’re influenced by superheroes (examples pictured above, right by Herve Leger and Emilio Cavallini.)
Suit Up with New Superhero Range of Custom Menswear from Indochino/ - вдохновлённые супергероикой костюмы. В смысле действительно костюмы. Мужские.
Spidey Suit - про костюм киновоплощения Человека-Паука. Туда же: основная претензия Эндрю Гарфилда к костюму - The day in superhero crotch architecture Part II: Spidey’s piddle problem.
Вещи, которые (почему-то) можно получитьВещи, которые (почему-то) можно получить:
Газировку имени Бэтмена!
Автомобиль с рисунком с обложки сотого номера The Walking Dead
И особо стоит сказать про вещи, которые почему-то купить нельзя: <a href="">The Avengers, Commercials, and the Gendering of Children’s Toys. Потому что. как мы тут все особенно хорошо знаем. игрушки по мотивам "Мстителей" заинтересовать могут только и исключительно мальчиков!
Reign of the Supermen #426: Krazy Little Comics' Stuporman - старая пародия на Супермена.
Top Ten Unnecessary Sequels in Comics
The 10 WORST X-Men of All Time
День, когда я нашла на дороге мёртвого жука-носорога!
Или, если смотреть на это по-другому, день, когда уехавшая к морю и там заболевшая я просто не успела сделать еженедельный линкспам.
К утру всё, конечно, будет на месте.
Мне правда очень жаль, что так вышло, но наконец-то оно готово.
Проблема тут, правда, не только в моём отъезде, но ещё и в том, что неделя (14-е июня-20-е июня) вышла довольно скучная. Особо светлых пятен как-то не наблюдалось, а значит и ориентироваться при отборе из моря середнячка оказалось сложно. Добавим мою усиленную отпускным настроением неспособность к саморедактуре и получим море ссылок, которое ждёт вас под катами. Ещё раз: мне очень жаль.
В четверг всё будет как обычно.
Chris Claremont on the Original Plan for Maddy Pryor - Крис Клэрмонт о Мадлен Прайор. Видео.
Bill (Finger) the Boy Wonder: Five Questions with Marc Tyler Nobleman and Ty Templeton - интервью с авторами книги-комикса о "настоящем создателе Бэтмена": I'd say if we had to split it just between those two, it's something like 70% for Finger and 30% for Kane. But if we can include Jerry Robinson and Dick Sprang, then I'd lessen Kane's contribution to about 10% of the overall world of Batman. I'm only scoring him that high because he came up with the name. In fact, as the series continued, I'd start scoring Bob Kane in the negatives, because he became detrimental to the success of Batman by the early sixties.
Туда же: First joint interview with Bill Finger's granddaughter, whose name is... - интервью, который уже один из авторов книги берёт у внучки Билла Фингера. Аудио.
Robert Washington's Final Interview Offers Thanks To Hero Intitiative - последнее интервью Роберта Вашингтона Третьего, скончавшегося на днях создателя Static о значении в его жизни благотворительного фонда Hero Initiative.
Old Wolfman/Wein Interview - старое интервью с Леном Вейном и Марвом Волфманом, вместе работавшими над Фантастической Четвёркой.
JZ: In general, what is your opinion of what followed your work? How do you feel about what John Byrne is doing now?
LW: I liked it when Stan did It. My principal complaint -- and I may feel stronger about this than Marvin -- is that I muchly resent what John is doing, I resent his implication that everything in the past 20 years hasn't happened, that it's still 1964. Everything he's doing is throwbacks to the past. I resent him tampering with so much of the legend. In the space of a couple of months, he's taken care of the Inhumans and moved them to the moon; he's taken care of a couple other things like that. It's really very imperious to suddenly decide to change so much that is integral to the whole Marvel mythos, as opposed to just a supporting character in a book
LW: The FF was incredibly melodramatic. There was more adjective, more every-panel-life-and-death-ishness to the FF than there ever was for any other Marvel character or any other Marvel book. Every panel was a trauma, every panel was up to its ears in drama. Everyone worried constantly about whether the world was going to come to an end tomorrow or now. That was unlike any other book. I don't think any of us took the same approach with that book that we ever took with any other book...
MW: You couldn't, because of its nature. Spider-Man had to be realistic, and funny. The Fantastic Four was more cosmic, even if they had "straight" stories.
Open Q&A: Greg on ideas - Грег Рака об идеях и реализации: Most of the time, I end up making the decision on both efficiency and efficacy. I want a story to have an effect, to have a result for the audience – I want an emotional response, or a thought, and that doesn’t mean either has to be particularly deep, but the story should provide some sensation, if only pleasure, if only amusement. So an idea that is intensely visual, for instance, is going to be better suited for comics or another visual medium. Ideas that may appear, at first, to be visual but are instead far more internal, character-pieces, may work best in prose.
Q&A: Matt Groening Gets the Heck out of 'Life In Hell' - создатель "Симпсонов" Мэтт Гроэнинг, принявший решение прекратить издавать свой авторский стрип Life in Hell, о том, что привело его к этому решению.
“Because They’re Present in My Head”: A Frederik Peeters Interview - интервью с швейцарским автором Фредериком Питерсом: I mean, I really don’t know what I am going to draw and tell when I grab the first page. I know the subject of course, the autobiography of a part of my life, or science fiction, and I have a vague feeling of how to start—a context, maybe the main character—and the rest comes while I am drawing strange abstract images, like drawings you make when you’re on the phone. It’s a way to start the engine, if you like, it allows to open a door in the brain.
Комиксы и их создателиКомиксы и их создатели:
Review: Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines - отзыв на фильм о женщинах и Чудо-Женщине.
Why I was vulnerable to The History of Invulnerability - отзыв на фильм о судьбе создателей Супермена.
Michael Kupperman: A Comics Voice that Defies Categorization - о Майкле Каппермене: Kupperman is in a genre all his own. He has a voice so distinct that it's easy to think that he doesn't necessarily fit in a box with other comics creators.
Original Art Stories: The REAL Von Eeden Black Canary - история редакторских изменений в рисунок вообще и редизайн Чёрной Канарейки в частности: So every picture of Black Canary in that Huntress issue was inked over some faceless Production Department person's repencilling of my original work.
Creator ownership and the generation of comic book movie properties и “Once creator ownership was on the table, the moviable properties were largely works that creators maintained ownership of.” - о корреляции принадлежности интеллектуальных прав на комикс и возможности экранизации.
Статьи и заметки про медиум вообщеСтатьи и заметки про медиум вообще:
Roger’s Comic Ramblings: Writing for Back Issue - комикс-журналист рассказывает о том, как он подготавливает материал на заданную тему.
The Best & The Worst Things About Being A Syndicated Cartoonist - о работе и жизни (выживании) автора газетных стрипов: For syndicated cartoonists breaks are not so common to come by. (You better have a week’s worth of extra strips just sitting in a drawer somewhere in case there’s a death in the family. I’m not kidding — it’s the truth.) Syndication is a treadmill that you can never get down from, no matter what is happening in your life. If a plane crashes into your house, you better have an alternate internet connection so that you can send in your work for that week.
Why Are There No Superstar Artists? Or, Comic News Sites Are Eating Their Own Tails By David Doub - о том. что же случилось с художниками-"звёздами", способными одним своим именем обеспечивать продажу огромных тиражей: So when I read about comic news sites musing over why known creators can’t seems to get traction on new projects, I have to laugh because they’re some of the ones who helped to obscure these projects and push them out of any potential spotlight they might have had.
Comics Techniques and Tricks: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Panel Transitions - переход между кадрами на примере конкретной страницы.
Продолжение освещённого ранееПродолжение освещённого ранее:
Dear Sir, Regarding Your Affection for A Compacted Catwoman - про обложку с искривлённой Женщиной-Кошкой.
In fact, I think most critics would agree that the cover isn’t sexy enough; indeed it’s not sexy at all. Catwoman should be considerably sexier than this chew toy-shaped carbuncle. But that’s subjective. Some people may find this fleshy bow-tie immensely sexy, and to each their own. I’m not attracted to women myself; if I were I’d like to think I’d prefer ones who don’t look like they’ve had a close encounter with a car crusher, but I respect your choices, sir. Good for you for having the confidence to stand up for your fetish.
This cover is insulting to women, not because it’s sexual, but because it’s bad. It’s also insulting to heterosexual men, but heterosexual men have apparently never minded an insult they can wank to.
И два комикса про то же.
Заодно естественный вопрос: изменит ли DC злополучную обложку?
The New Ultimate Spider-Man And The Continuing Curse Of Nick Fury - продолжене поста ненависти к Алтимейт Нику Фьюри: But whatever explanation we have for this ridiculous train of events, the fact is that this Nick Fury is revealed by the end of Who Is Miles Morales? to be even more of a monster than Ultimate Fallout's climax inadvertently showed him to be. He's the Nazi's Nazi, the number one state-sponsered bastard in all of comicdom. He doesn't just let children barely into puberty throw themselves out at the very worst of super-villains, he enables and thereby encourages it.
Growing Up a Gay Comics Reader Part 3: Proliferation - Продолжение истории взросления комиксфана-гея. Конец девяностых и двухтысячные. Туда же: обновлённая история ЛГБТ-персонажей в комиксах - теперь с Аланом Скоттом.
No Romance: Paying For It - свежая рецензия на комикс, который меня травмировал.
Spider-Man and Superhero Torture - продолжение разговора про Человека-Паука и пытки.
And yet I have a hard time finding the major difference between Peter's actions here and the steps that Batman takes on a regular basis to extract information from criminals. Is there a difference between "acidboarding" and dangling a criminal off a rooftop or breaking a few bones to find out where the Joker's hideout is?
And so when Spider-Man uses real-world(ish) torture in that typical fictional scenario, we're left with the conflict between the real world and the narrative world, a conflict that primarily exists because the narrative world wants to emulate the real world. I don't know how exactly to solve this conflict, not in a way that's actually applicable in any kind of universal sense, but I think a good step would be to keep the moral paragon characters from engaging in torture.
Meet the Magus Part 3:The Deep Green, Jack of the Green, and the Swamp Thing - продолжение анализа влияния магических практик Алана Мура на его творчество.
Image Comics Publisher: What's So Wrong With Wanting Your Comic To Be A Movie? и Image publisher argues independent comics as movie pitches aren’t a bad thing - обсуждение мнения Эрика Стефенсона.
Jeffrey Brown gets painfully honest - в очередной раз про Джеффри Брауна.
Star*Reach Classics #1 - Дэвид Бразерс о комиксе Джима Старлина и Дэйва Сима: I like seeing people working out their thoughts in public. I’ve done a lot of it here, obviously. It’s like watching someone rub their chin and mull over a point in person. Starlin married his conundrum to his artwork, and the results are pretty great. It’s not going back to the well at all. It’s trying to solve a puzzle by recreating that puzzle in several different configurations.
Nonentity In the Holy Land и Jerusalem - две вдумчивые и довольно прохладные рецензии на последний автобиографически-политическо-этнографический комикс Гая Делисла.
Reading Periodicals - о нескольких периодических изданиях маленьких издательств.
Surfing the skies with Kenny Who - о 2000ad 1986: Midnight Surfer, по мнению автора являющимся просто восхитительным экшен-комиксом: It’s a prime slice of classic-era 2000ad, with the usual witty and pointed sсript by John Wagner, but it’s the extraordinary art of Cam Kennedy which brings real power and grace to this story, finding sublime beauty in a tale of crazy people blasting through the sky on flying surfboards.
An Ode To NY In the Key of War: Brian Wood’s DMZ - песнь любви DMZ: Without a doubt, DMZ is a story about war. It is the heartbreak of every entrenched, senseless death in a civil conflict, the brutal argument of a government tearing itself to shreds, and the nightmare of the lives and landscapes changed by violence. Yet set underneath this vibrant political story is the setting of Manhattan, it’s neighborhoods and complicated cultural landscape, and the way it fights to evolve and survive against the hailstorm of bombs and bullets overhead.
CASANOVANAUTS: My First Earthquake / You Fuggddit Up - про последний вышедший номер серии Casanova и то, что же всё это значит: Casanova is, perhaps above all else, about growing up. If Avaritia ends the overall series’ first act, then it’s a perfect third act to what’s happened so far, because it charts the rise, fall and rise of Cass in three clear themes.
Ten Things: FATALE Issues #1 to 5 - десять мыслей о Fatale Эда Брубакера и Шона Филлипса: ...while FATALE nods to human weakness certainly, in page after page of narration (“The way he felt about Josephine… It was out of balance with the world“), if the male characters’s agency is being controlled by magical forces rather than human weakness… isn’t human weakness let off the hook? And isn’t the audience thus let off the hook? How long can a noir story or a horror story sustain itself if it lets human weakness off the hook?
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 2009, By Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill - рецензия на свежий том Лиги невероятных Джентльменов. Ну тот, где Гарри Поттер оказался Антихристом. Об истории Мура и Поттера тут: Alan Moore created Harold Potter long before he turned him into the Antichrist.
Green Arrow by Mike W. Barr & Trevor Von Eeden (1983) - о минисерии про Зелёную Стрелу: But the super-heroics really aren’t very important at all in Barr and Von Eeden’s Green Arrow. Their decision to focus on character rather than the threadbare traditions of the super-person punchup leaves the series seeming like a very distant ancestor indeed of today’s obsessively super-hero-centric comics, in which the very sight of a typical, costumeless individual who’s not functioning as a victim can come as something of a surprise.
Trade Waiting - Forming by Jesse Moynihan - история человечества инопланетяне как боги и мифы вокруг них: Jesse Moynihan is one of the brightest new talents in comics. His writing style is easy to follow and not particularly convoluted, a massive feat especially when by the end of the book there are about a dozen people who could be considered the main character. Using already recognisable characters from stories we all know is something Moynihan uses to his advantage, and his seeming faith in his readership to know these stories means he doesn’t have to worry about who and what the characters motivations are as we all know them already, or if we don’t they are only a Wikipedia search away.
Only Skin - страшная история про маленький городок и пропадающих людей: Only Skin relies in no small part on the interactions of its characters, and I think that Ford understands this all too well. Watching Cassie and Clay either meet or reacquaint themselves with the new people in the town is a careful process. Ford doesn’t rely on large blocks of expository text, but lets explanations and flashbacks occur organically. By the time you understand the significance of the other missing people beyond Cassie’s father, we’re deep into Only Skin and a lot of the anger and previous encounters snap firmly into place.
Random Recommendation: The Olympians By George O’Connor - очередные истории-переосмысления по мотивам древнегреческой мифологии: O’Connor is bold enough to ...craft his own story and angle on the gods instead of trying to just copy what’s come before. His tales of the gods are reminiscent of the ancient stories, and at the same time are new and unexpected as well. It’s the best of both worlds.
Collect This Now! | La Pacifica - называемая автором отзывом "лучшим, что было издано Paradox Press" криминальная драма с закрученным сюжетом: It is, let’s face it, a great hook for a story, a classic noir tale amped up to frenetic levels, although it thankfully never spirals into over-the-top self-parody or absurdism. One of the things that makes the series successful, however, is how the authors draw parallels between the blood these obsessed men shed and the violence that occurs in the rest of the world.
Cruisin’ with the Hound: The Life and Times of Fred Toote’ - о сборнике автобиографических комиксов Спейна Родригеса: At his strongest, Spain moves beyond picto-fiction by having the captions and pictures in sardonic tension.
Top Ten Tuesdays - Why The Underwater Welder Must Be Bought - о готовящейся к выходу в Top Shelf авторской работе автора Sweet Tooth и сценариста Animal Man и Justice League Dark Джеффа Лемира: Lemire's scratchy lines and haggard people convey more emotional story for the character than any digital colour ever could. Lemire's style is uniquely his own and, once again, he's used it to tell a story only he could tell. Well, only he could tell this superbly.
Channel Zero: Won’t someone not think of the children? - про переиздание старого, являющегося как-бы-но-не-совсем приквелом к DMZ, комикса Брайана Вуда: See, Channel Zero is like a semi-prequel to his next great work, DMZ. It’s all about what would happen if Jerry Falwell got his way, and the Big Bad Government replaced the Constitution with the Bible... If you like Brian Woods’ work, punk rock, and anti-authoritarian revenge fantasies you’ll like this. Or if you’re just looking for a swank new collection of the work with bonus material from Becky Cloonan.
The Color of Night: The Wrong Place - отзыв на комикс о ночных приключениях двух друзей: This book is one of the splashiest characters studies I've ever read, as Brecht uses the looseness of his watercolor approach to get expressionist and almost abstract on some pages.
“Or Is There ANOTHER Way?” COMICS! Sometimes The Carny Winds Up In The Fridge! - отзыв на восьмой номер Creepy - антологии хоррора от Dark Horse.
Comics I Read In Series Form In The 1980s: Elektra: Assassin - про "Электру" Миллера и Синкевича: Elektra: Assassin is a super-crude hate letter to both ends of the political spectrum, a take as broad as anything Miller would create subsequently, this time aimed at the two sides of the American political divide that basically said they were the same thing heading for the same result: our total destruction. I take it as seriously-intended, because I'm not sure Miller has ever done anything not seriously intended.
Womanthology: Gender Is the Least Interesting Thing About This All-Female Comics Anthology и American Comic: Womanthology Heroic (English) - отзывы на антологию комиксов авторов-женщин: Womanthology isn't just a comics anthology. It's a call to action. You'll read it and, hopefully, will become inspired to finally take on the big project that has been in your head for months or years. You'll be compelled to make your art your way. It takes an impressive book to accomplish that.
Про супергероев, суперзлодеев и супергероикуПро супергероев, суперзлодеев и супергероику:
Beauology 101: Payment Upon Delivery - про то, стоит ли содержимое супергероических комиксов денег, которые за них просят: I would love to see more true story and character substance shoved back into mainstream superhero stories. I would love to see characters regain their human sense of humor, that has become a lost art with a lot of (Not All) writers.
The superhero genre will never attain the thematic purity or unaffected honesty of 1950s-70s Jimmy Olsen stories. - коллекция обложек с попутными размышлениями: The answer is simply this: the writer doesn’t confront his characters with problems that they already possess the skills to cope with. The writer confronts his characters with problems that the characters haven’t yet learned how to cope with, regardless of those characters expertise in other talents... One of the reasons why modern superhero comics fail to captivate people is that their self-important seriousness has passed earnestness and passed self-parody and moved into a perverse mixture of passionate fetishism and pretentious ambitionlessness.
"Who is your favourite superhero?" - о том. какого супергероя можно считать "лучшим" и почему.
New 'Batman Incorporated' issue is 'one for the girls' - Грант Моррисон о том, что грядущий номер Batman Incorporated будет особенно интересен "девочкам". Потому что он про Талию Аль Гул. Девочкам про девочку. Я хочу кидаться чем-нибудь тяжёлым.
The Most Mundane Man in Metropolis - Супермен как самый скучный супергерой. Ответ тут: Is Superman Boring? A response to Will Leitch's "The Most Mundane Man in Metropolis".
DC Histories: Lex Luthor - история Лекса Лютора.
The Joker: Where Do I Start? - основные комиксы, которые стоит прочитать желающим получить более-менее полное представление о Джокере.
LADIES LOVE SPIDEY - женщины Питера Паркера и Человека-Паука.
Ask Chris #110: The Best 'Imaginary' Story - лучшие "Вымышленные истории" DC: As for Marvel's What If comics, I've never really been a huge fan of those. They have a similar focus on closure, to the point where the answer to almost every question in the Marvel Universe that starts with "what if..." is "everyone would die," but for some reason they've never really hooked me... Plus, I've never really forgiven What If for "What If The Punisher's Family Hadn't Been Killed," in which the Punisher's family gets killed anyway. That's not how it works, guys!
“Swamp Thing! / You are amazing!” - самые запоминающиеся и характерные кадры "Болотной Твари".
День отцаДень отца:
Ten of a Kind: From the Button-Down Mind of Jonathan Kent - Джонатан Кент и обложки Серебрянного века (и не только).
DC Wishes You a Happy Father's Day - отцы во вселенной DC: мёртвые, плохие, ненавистные и... прочие.
Десять лучших и десять худших отцов в мейнстримных комиксах.
"До Хранителей""До Хранителей":
…And the Superhuman Review – Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1 - отзыв на первый номер "Шёлкового призрака. Отзывов этих сейчас полно, но тут лично меня зацепило вот что: It’s funny, since the book was so good, we really don’t need to say too much about it, as it was just a flat out normal good comic book. Good to see!
Допустим, это правда. Допустим, это действительно "просто нормальный хороший комикс". Пусть так. Вот какая штука: "Хранители" - что угодно, но уж точно не "просто нормальный хороший комикс". Относиться к ним можно по-разному, но, думаю, с тем, что в их случаях разговор ведётся на совсем другом уровне, спорить будет очень мало кто. И вот, происходит то. что происходит, и происходит оно, если отодвинуть разговоры о загребущих руках алчной корпорации, для того. чтобы на выходи получить... просто нормальный хороший комикс? И что всё это стоило делать. чтобы получить просто нормальный хороший комикс?! И... неужели сейчас DC, чтобы всего лишь сделать просто нормальный хороший комикс необходимо вытворить всё это? Всё настолько плохо?
Minutemen and Silk Spectre | Roundtable Review - круглый стол-рецензия на первые номера первых двух серий приквелов.
My sсript for “Way Before Watchmen” Issue 1/a> - глумление текстовое.
Current Comics Rewrite! Let's Rewrite Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1! - глумление фотошопное номер один.
И глумление фотошопное номер два:

Новости больного безумного прекрасного мираНовости больного безумного прекрасного мира:
Grant Morrison MBE - Грант Моррисон - кавалер Ордена Британской Империи!
Justice League XXX To Feature Gay Green Lantern And Nightwing Scene - потому что вот что: But Rob Black, director of the recently announced Birds Of Prey XXX, looks like he may be dipping his toe into the water. Inspired by recent headlines, he will feature a gay Green Lantern in the upcoming Justice League XXX 3D production, played by gay porn star Adam Killian (right). And he is planning a scene with Green Lantern and Nightwing getting down and dirty with each other.
Superman license plate coming, but 'Ohio-Birthplace of Superman' slogan won't fly - законодательное собрание Огайо вот-вот одобрит номерные знаки с символикой Супермена.
Супергерои и одеждаСупергерои и одежда:
Committed: Alexander McQueen, Tailoring, and the Superhero Silhouette - о женской (и не только) одежде и супергероях: Too often, the influence of comic books in high-fashion is reduced to only the most obvious graphics, with garish and unwearable splashes of Leichtenstien-style words or dots on t-shirts and stretchy leggings. The use of bold colors or prints on spandex is not the only way for designers to evoke comic books. Even today, women’s designers are still creating these unstructured, unforgiving garments and saying that they’re influenced by superheroes (examples pictured above, right by Herve Leger and Emilio Cavallini.)
Suit Up with New Superhero Range of Custom Menswear from Indochino/ - вдохновлённые супергероикой костюмы. В смысле действительно костюмы. Мужские.
Spidey Suit - про костюм киновоплощения Человека-Паука. Туда же: основная претензия Эндрю Гарфилда к костюму - The day in superhero crotch architecture Part II: Spidey’s piddle problem.
Вещи, которые (почему-то) можно получитьВещи, которые (почему-то) можно получить:
Газировку имени Бэтмена!
Автомобиль с рисунком с обложки сотого номера The Walking Dead
И особо стоит сказать про вещи, которые почему-то купить нельзя: <a href="">The Avengers, Commercials, and the Gendering of Children’s Toys. Потому что. как мы тут все особенно хорошо знаем. игрушки по мотивам "Мстителей" заинтересовать могут только и исключительно мальчиков!
Reign of the Supermen #426: Krazy Little Comics' Stuporman - старая пародия на Супермена.
Top Ten Unnecessary Sequels in Comics
The 10 WORST X-Men of All Time