It's funny because it's sad.
Всем привет. Лето закончилось, и я снова с вами. Ура?
Притворяться, что это четверг бесполезно, но повторное погружение в мир комикс-новостей далось мне на удивление тяжело, так что соблюдением (придуманного мною для меня же) графика попытаюсь заняться со следующего раза.
Пока - ссылки.
Осторожно: этот пост крайне обманчив, под нечеловеческим количеством катов скрываются чудовищные объёмы!
КИРБИ!!!Джек Кирби:
Еcли кто не в курсе, то в прошедший вторник - двадцать восьмого августа - Джеку Кирби, многими называемому "Королём Комиксов", исполнилось бы девяносто пять лет. По этому поводу на неделе выло сказано много слов и вывешено много картинок. Кликните хотя бы на пару ссылок, любителям комиксов стоит знать такие вещи:
Kirby's Characters - список придуманных Кирби персонажей. С большой вероятностью неполный.
It’s Jack Kirby’s Birthday - The King of (Kick Ass Women in) Comics - ну или вот так вот: придуманные Кирби значимые женские персонажи: And so it is time to pay tribute to the man who created some truly female comic characters that truly do kick ass.
Слова и посвящения:
Happy Jack Kirby Day! - I've heard that many people who were inspired by Jack's work took their drawings to him to see what he thought. And regardless of their skill level, he'd try to find something positive to say and encourage them. But in those encouragements, he also tried to tell them NOT to copy him. Not that he was offended, or felt there was any sort of competition, but he wanted people to create IN THEIR OWN VOICE.
All Hail The King: Jack Kirby - He defined style and language for a comic book industry still very much standing on his shoulders.
JACK KIRBY MAKES ME STUPID - Дин Хаспиэль о Кирби: I dig the way Kirby graphically presents the clash of transition. The organisms of the old in conflict with the technology of the new while commenting on the state of the future. A world wide war. Kirby was fascinated with the twilight of the future while honoring the wisdom, heartbreaks, and history of the past.
Пиксапамы и слова о рисунках:
A birthday message for The King from THE WORLD THAT'S COMING!!!!!
Art For Art’s Sake – Happy Birthday Jack
The King of Comics
Happy 95th Birthday, Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby, The King Of Comics, Would Have Been 95 Today
Making a Splash: "Madbomb"--Jack Kirby's Return to Captain America and Marvel
“WAM!” PEOPLE! A King is Born!
Cosmic Theology: Jack Kirby's Representations Of God
And now….topless Jack Kirby
The CR Video Parade Jack Kirby 95th Birthday Special - коллекция видео.
Random Jack Kirby Links And News Round Up - коллекция ссылок.
Bizarro Back Issues: OMAC And The City Of The Super-Rich!! (1974) - один конкретный комикс.
Happy 95th Birthday, Jack Kirby - про Дарксайда, добро, зло и смерть: Kirby redefined good not as a moral issue, but one of freedom. The freedom to love, laugh, share, create, and more. There's the potential for harm, and many of the New Gods struggle with that potential, but just having that potential is vital. It needs to be there. Being able to choose to do wrong is greater than being forced to do good. Free will is everything. The Life Equation is everything beautiful, warts and all.
Jack Kirby’s Collages in Context - интересно о коллажах Кирби: Removed from sequential storytelling and employed rather as illustration, these collages stand on their own as singular works of art. Kirby was so passionate about this art-form, that when he was asked if they should bring anything, he would request visitors to his home bring periodicals as fodder for his collages.
Kirby Dynamics - ну и блог для тех, кому мало, и кто хотел бы получать новую дозу Кирби по несколько раз в день. Осторожно: присутствует ненависть к Стэну Ли!
DC - обсуждение Ребута, Лига Справедливости, Бэтмен с его фильмом, Супермен, Before Watchmen и прочее, включая комиксы не про супергероевDC:
Ребут, которому на днях исполнился год, так что дальше подобного будет большеРебут, которому на днях исполнился год, так что дальше подобного будет больше:
The New 52: Did We Get What We Hoped For? - про то, сбылись ли надежды. По пунктам, общий вывод смешанный, но с очевидным уклоном в "нет".
The Top Five Things I Miss in the DC Universe - чего не хватает в новой Вселенной DC. История, пресонажи, мегакроссоверы.
Two Reasons The New 52 Is Disliked - за что не любят DC после Ребута. Ожидаемое, предсказуемое.
One Year Later: Catwoman - Женщина-Кошка через год после рабута: Issue #3 was the moment when the character snapped into focus for readers, and suddenly the book’s rushed, racing momentum started to make sense as a character trait. We were used to seeing a Catwoman who stands up to Batman without any fear, and has a great time, you see -- but what Winick did was show us the other side of that. After first giving us the prototypical Catwoman, all sexual, tightly-clothed and Batman-bothering, Winick then pulled a switch on readers and showed us the toll that keeping up this persona has on Kyle’s psyche... There’s always been a struggle for DC in making Catwoman a heroic protagonist, because she’s meant to be a villain turned reluctant aide to Batman. She’s not meant to stop crime, so much as she’s meant to be a time-bomb vigilante destined to implode one day. As a result, most of the famous runs with the character had to glamorize her villainous side, making her seem like an action hero when she’s really a crook. Winick crushes this viciously in his run.
One Year Later: Batwing - от тех же людей про Бэтвинга, ссылки на всю серию "год спустя" есть в конце статьи. В любом случае, перспективы персонажа на данный момент крайне туманны, потому что в DC... ладно, об этом потом и отдельно, а пока: Which wouldn’t have made a bit of difference if the solo series had been awful. But instead, the series proved to be… well, let’s call it "decent." It was never an incredible, amazing title, but it was solid read each month. Batwing came across as a likeable, inventive central character -- not as dynamic as Nightwing, but more empathetic than Tim Drake; and the storylines attempted to deal with political and adult ideas. The one complaint is that writer Judd Winick did struggle to make the book something appealing to all-ages, but sandwiched between two fairly dark Batwing-centric stories came the big "Night of the Owls" crossover thing.
Лига Справедливости
Лига Справедливости:
Justice League #12: Five Things We Learned и Justice League International Annual #1: Five Things We Learned - выводы из двух комиксов.
Justice League of America: What Does it Mean for DC? - перспективы Вселенной DC и отдельных комиксов через призму нового состава "Лиги Справедливости": The addition of a number of embattled characters to this team may have ramifications for some of their titles, too. Catwoman will likely hang on for a while without Judd Winick, but it’s hard to imagine that there’s nothing telling in both she and Green Arrow coming onto this title. Even if their books are kept alive (because of their high profile in other media) it seems impossible to put both of them on a book together and not cede some control of it to Ann Nocenti, who writes both of their monthlies.
Justice League Movies: What Stories From the Comics Could Work? - идеи, которые можно использовать при создании фильма. Который обязательно будет. Когда-нибудь.
Off My Mind: Looking at the New JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA Roster - размышления о новом составе "Лиги": If you're going to form a new Justice League team, it makes perfect sense to get a Green Lantern on board. The question is, where does his allegiances lie? If we're seeing a new Green Lantern being added to the Corps now, right when the Guardians are plotting to take them down, you have to wonder if they had anything to do with his being appointed. Also, how will he be convinced to join a team on Earth when he has the power to fly through space?
Q&A #168: Who would you cast in a Justice League film? - фанатский кастинг, наглядно демонстрирующий проблемы, типичные для фанатских кастингов и заодно дающий представление о том, какие телесериалы смотрят авторы. Селена Гомез в роли Затанны, серьёзно? Впрочем, могло бы быть и хуже: я всё ещё помню, как на роль Чудо-Женщины фанаты активно хотели (бррр) Меган Фокс.
On Batman Incorporated #3 (Part 1) и On Grant Morrison & Chris Burnham's "Batman Incorporated" #3 (Part 2 of 2) - хвалебный отзыв о Batman Incorporated от любимого мною автора:
The post-Millennium super-book has so often been a corrosively bland, flaccid experience. Page upon page of ill-focused waffling slapped over dull, repetitive visuals. Page after page of mostly textless spectacle, reliant upon all those strange hyper-muscled, manically-rendered obsessions which we've learned to associate with locked-in fanboy syndrome. But Morrison and Burnham, among all too few of their peers, are obviously saturated with the knowledge of how the comic book used to hook and snare its readers.
Where Morrison's speech bubbles are carrying things forward in a way that's not immediately compelling, Burnham's art is either imaginatively complimenting the text or offering a beguiling if not overly-distracting counter-narrative.
Burnham's take on Wayne himself seems to strangely suggest a small lad who's jumped from boyhood into uber-maliness without any of the inconvenience of the intervening years. What could be more appropriate for the Darknight Detective, who never did grow up in the aftermath of his parent's murder? In an interesting reversal of roles, it's actually Damian who emerges in The Hanged Man as the voice of suspicion and caution, his fundamental adoration of his father expressing itself as an almost-patriarchal concern.
A narrative with nothing but the welfare of Batman at its heart is likely - though not entirely damned - to be a relatively thin and uber-masculine one. The caped crusader is, after all, inevitably going to survive, and his fate will tend to ultimately depend on his capacity to outpunch his opponents. So far, so ultimately predictable. But none of the various Gothamites which we're briefly shown here have any such a guarantee of survival, and their vulnerability even in passing adds a charge of uncertainty to what might otherwise be a fundamentally foreseeable, if undoubtedly brilliantly presented, tale.
Here, there's a great many other players standing between the Dark Knight and the mother of his troubled, if formidable, son, which suggests a fascinatingly chaotic system rather than a straight-forward Manichean confrontation between our man and their woman.
10 Reasons the Next Batman Movie Should be Batman Beyond - почему следущий фильм мог бы быть основан на "Бэтмена Будущего". Этого, конечно же, никогда не случится, но пусть: That's the sweet spot for something that's being adapted to film — you need something that's got a lot of great stuff at its core, but doesn't demand total fetishistic adherence to every little detail.
Batgirl! The Secret Origin - вроде как история появления Кассандры Кейн, но на самом деле скорее рассказ об атмосфере в офисе DC в середине 90-х: And then somewhere on the way back to my office I had this crazy vision of a new Batgirl. She was young—late teens, I thought—and Asian, because, well, at the time we had an awful lotta white faces in the DCU, and I thought, if we’re creating a brand new character in the DCU, why on earth would we make her white when other races are under-represented?
The Killing Joke: A Different Way to Read It - альтернативная трактовка "Убийственной шутки", во многом (но не полностью) разбивающаяся о подразумевавшийся при создании комикса "альтернативный" статус истории: From a publication standpoint, it may be seen as one of the linchpins, the pivotal turning points from the grim and gritty Batman. And from a narrative standpoint, it may explain Batman's descent into being more withdrawn, colder, and more distant to his friends and loved ones in the 90s. The narrative explanation for that is usually the death of the second Robin, Jason Todd, and how Batman couldn't deal with his inability to save him, but maybe it was actually this moment, when something just snapped in his brain.
DC Histories: Ace the Bat-Hound - Вы ведь тоже хотите узнать побольше про Бэт-Собаку? Да хотите, не притворяйтесь.
First Impressions: Robin - "Про Робина и меня": Robin has come very much to be the tail end of “Batman and” for me, even not being an avid Batman guy. I suppose just as I’ve never been attached to Bruce Wayne but as a fan of comics am intrigued by Batman as a concept and archetype, I’m interested in what Robin adds to the mythos as a counterbalance, whether Dick as the light to the darkness, Jason as the rededication to the stagnation, Tim as the deliberate thinker to the ask-questions-later figure of vengeance, and even Damian as the unruly child to the reluctant adult.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises:
Это был фильм. Скорее всего, вы его даже посмотрели. Я тоже. В мире огромное количество людей, которые считают, что это кино великолепно. В мире так же огромное количество людей, которые считают Кристфера Нолана Мастером, Художником и со всех сторон прекрасным режиссёром. Я за них очень рада. А сейчас ссылки, которые как на подбор радуют моё сердуе:
A few spoiler-filled questions about The Dark Knight Rises, with spoilers! - про вопросы к сюжету. Претензии, честно говоря, так себе, часть из них так и вообще придирки, а другая - про системные свойства нолановской трактовки франчайза и персонажей, в которой режиссёр вполне последователен (к самой трактовке возникает куча вопросов, но внутри она довольно стройна - что есть, то есть).
The Friday You Just Go With It - предыдущая ссылка была дана в основном для того, чтобы контекстуализировать эту. Тут претензии автора заметно понятнее и заметно более внятно изложены: The good news is that the audience wants to play along. Really, we do. We will agree never to bring up the Hulk’s extra mass or WayneCorp’s horrible financial records or even Clark Kent’s utterly inadequate disguise. It’s much more fun to “just go with it.” Especially if we believe in the emotional reality of the characters. We go along with the idea of Batman because we all get why Bruce Wayne would want to be Batman... But the Batman in Rises… I didn’t believe in that guy. A Bruce Wayne who quits, who holes up in his mansion like Howard Hughes, who doesn’t bother to vet the woman he’s handing a giant piece of weapons technology…. no. I don’t buy it. That wasn’t Batman.
You Needn’t Get Up on My Account - рецензия на фильм на сайте The Comics Journal. Именно то, что можно было ожидать от такого расклада. Местами (во второй половине) смехотворно, местами в точку: From the day a parent first answers the question “Why don’t they just call the police?” with “Because then they wouldn’t have a movie” and you keep on watching, you have been recruited into the universe of It’s Only a Movie. The makers of movies should be careful about abusing this privilege. Science fiction writers refer to a major suspension of disbelief as a “gimme,” as in, “Gimme one completely outlandish thing and I swear everything else will be plausible.” Dark Knight Rises is gimme gimme gimme gimme from start to finish.
If 'Dark Knight Rises' Was 10 Times Shorter and More Honest - пародийный сценарий от Крэкд. Потому что да: Yeah, I'm sure that would hold up in court. "Your honor, he was sad first."... For the crime of me sitting through Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, I sentence you to exile!
How It Should Have Ended: ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ - видео, которое вы все уже видели.
Man of Steel: Five Ideas For the Ending (That Don’t Involve Justice League) - что из мифологии Супермена могло бы засветиться в новом фильме.
What's So Great About Jimmy Olsen? - название говорит само за себя: For those of you who aren't aware, Jimmy Olsen is basically his generation's Harley Quinn, but without the legions of cosplaying SuicideGirl fans... In a lot of ways, Jimmy Olsen is the Silver Age, all of its excesses and strange rules and metaphors and inspirations brought together in a perfect snapshot of the time. And that might be why creators in other eras have such a hard time working with him, even in a genre that's steeped in nostalgia.
Agent of S.T.Y.L.E. - KRYPTON Couture - Криптон и мода, или Много Всего Разного: But some futuristic and alien touches are added even to the wardrobe of Krypton's early history, causing some of its inhabitants to resemble characters from high adventure fantasy novels and Tolkien-inspired sagas. Thanks to this, ancient Krypton becomes not just the world of tomorrow but also a place where wizards and dragons may exist.
The Full Run - подробный разбор "Флэша", номер за номером, начиная с 1987-го. На данный момент авторы дошли до Марка Уэйда и сентября девяносто седьмого.
DC Histories: The Rogues - краткая история временами-не-то-чтобы-совсем-злодеев Флэша: The Rogues as we know them today wouldn’t come into play until two years after this first teamup. In 1965, a group of six Flash villains came together to fight their common foe.
Agent of S.T.Y.L.E. - FLASH Fashion Facts - Флэш и мода и история. В основном история. Но и мода тоже: One very cool thing about Wally’s Speed Force suit was that he would condense it into the shape of a ring and then when he needed to go into action, its energies would expand around him at will. Again, this pays tribute to Barry but still shows us that Wally is his own hero racing down his own path in life rather than treading over old ground.
Прочее супергероическое
Прочее супергероическое:
Why The Curse of Shazam is the right move for Captain Marvel - одобрение пост-ребутной трактовки Капитана Марвела: I believe that The Curse of Shazam offers the only take on the character that could conceivably work in the context of the current state of the DC Universe and the current comics distribution system.
The Atom: Where Do I Start? - краткий список "обязательного чтения" для интересующихся Атомом: The Atom is more than just a size-shifting superhero one-step removed from Ant-Man; epic comics writer Gardner Fox turned him into a epic adventurer our of shady sci-fi pulp novels, covering everything from interstellar travel, 1700s England, to fighting in miniature worlds decades before anyone ever heard of Micronauts. The Atom has been everything from scientist to superhero to super-spy and even an outer space border patrol agent.
When We First Met – The Life of Roy Harper - Рой Харпер, начало и продолжение, история в картинках.
Classics on Infinite Earths - классические истории про альтернативные реальности. В принципе читать стоит всю серию. Последний "выпуск" посвящён The Weird Джима Старлина и Берни Райтсона: This is not your standard Justice League story. It’s not even your standard super-hero story. It’s bizarre. It’s alien. It’s abstract science-fiction. But it surprises us with its humanity, more bravely depicted than most stories without such exotic elements. The Weird is a about unfathomable alien beings battling for Earth. It is about the strangeness that super-heroes like the Justice League might really encounter, beyond the traditional super-villains.
Before Watchmen
Before Watchmen:
Как вы, наверное, слышали, вдохновлённое коммерческим успехом приквелов? DC решило запустить ещё (пока что только) одну мини-серию, на этот раз про Молоха. От этой новости, я бы слегка умерла внутри, не будь я уже мертва внутри. По этому поводу я решила вывесить несколько подвернувшихся под руку негативных отзывов на Before Watchmen. Вам кажется, что слишком уж много у меня ссылок на плохие отзывы на Before Watchmen? Вы неправы: плохих отзывов на Before Watchmen не бывает слишком много! Нет, правда. Это научный факт. Итак:
Ладно, хорошо, вот вам сперва для баланса хорошее: Review: BEFORE WATCHMEN: DR. MANHATTAN #1
И колеблющееся: Best Shots Rapid Reviews: SCALPED, VENOM, DR. MANHTTAN, More, Before Watchmen: Doctor Manhattan #1 Review ну и …And the Superhuman Review – Before Watchmen: Doctor Manhattan #1 - That being said, yeah, as much as I enjoyed some of the ideas in this issue and how they were presented, it seems like through the way that it has mostly just revisited the events of Watchmen so far it is also the most inconsequential of the seven Before Watchmen series (it will undoubtedly be unseated for the title by Moloch when that comes out).
Уфф, это было тяжело. Ладно, наконец:
Dr Manhattan Rewrites Watchmen, And Chooses His Own Adventure - In Watchmen, Dr Manhattan is the most powerful person in the book. Yet his powers reflect those of the every day reader. He can read reality in any order he wishes, he can flip forward, he can flip back, he can see what happens next. Just like the reader can? Who watches the Watchmen? Well you do, and as an ordinary member of the public, you have the powers of a God when doing so. However, you can’t change things, Watchmen is a fixed text. For all its talk of quantum realities, it’s a clockwork world. Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan changes that experience at its fundamental core. Instead it has now become, for the character at least, a Steve Jackson Choose-Your-Own Adventure book… an experience that the reader is now divorced from, because we cannot do that. It also either makes a mockery of Manhattan’s claims about his ability to alter events in the original, or makes him out to be a liar. Which, you know, he has been. We just didn’t know he was lying about that too. Of course, in the original, he probably wasn’t. I guess it will get Star Trek Reset Button outed at the end, but even the possibility of this interpretation fights directly with one of the central aspects of the reading experience of the original.
On "Rorschach" #1 а вот это очень зло и очень здорово.
If you really are setting out to publicly piss in church, then the least you can do is make sure that your bladder's full to bursting before you do so. Yet Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo's Rorschach #1 is so woefully complacent, careless and insubstantial that it hardly seems worth their having attempted the heresy at all. You'd think that anyone taking the silver for a Before Watchmen book would at least want to balance out the damage to their ethical reputation with a bravado display of their storytelling chops. After all, even if you don't believe in the tenets of the church you're pissing in, you've got to be aware that it is a church and that folks are going to care what you do there. Finding a quiet corner and making just a tiny little bit of a mess while congratulating yourself on your daring isn't going to minimise the disrespect, but it will leave the sense that you didn't have the imagination, conviction and nerve to do anything more substantial with your moment of taboo-busting transgression.Yet Rorschach really is nothing more than a string of poorly told, grindingly obvious and misguided references to the character's starring role in Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's Watchmen.
Yet another beautiful, objectivised female victim. Yet another example of body-mutilating depravity. It's all as hackneyed and stupid-minded as it's sexist and cold-hearted. The apologist's argument will no doubt that every woman in Rorschach #1 is portrayed as stereotypically sexualised object because that's how the title character and the Bard see them. But if a creative team can't represent prejudice without replicating the form of deeply bigoted work, then they're really not up to their jobs.
Faced with the challenge of either creating a worthy, respectful adjunct to Watchmen or producing a vigorous and ambitious experience of their own, Azzarello and Bermejo have chosen instead to inexplicably eulogise all that's worst about the post-Watchmen vigilante fantasy.
Where Watchmen was threaded with a host of ethical questions and delivered in the form of what was then experimental storytelling, Rorschach is focused on nothing but threadbare genre cliche and boy-man thrilling titillation. When a comic's single surprising shot is that of a trousers-round-his-ankles reprobate wanking himself off in a room hired specifically for the purpose, the creators can hardly be criticised for an excess of ambition and innovation. Yet for all his enthusiasm for the pruriently irrelevant, Azzarello can't bring himself to produce a plot which makes sense in its own terms.
Yet all the semen-soaked tissues in the world can't transmit a sense of verisimilitude when the story itself is so carelessly bolted together. This isn't just a ethically unpleasant book. It's a poorly made one too.
By contrast, Rorschach is a depressingly stupid and reactionary book, concerned not to make us think so much as to revel in the uber-masculinity of it all, and that's as true for Bermejo's art as it is for Azzarello's scripts.
Rorschach should appear to be far more offensive than it does, but it's so obviously pathetic when compared to Watchmen itself that it's hard to do anything more than sneer. It certainly is as abhorrent as it's inept, and yet, what better karma could there be for its creators, than for everyone to know that they've produced this? There's little point in worrying too much about lambasting either writer or artist further when they've already done so much to damage their own reputations.
Не про супергероев
Не про супергероев:
Duet On 'Solo' - Мэтт Сенека и Шон Вицке о серии 'Solo'. За этим стоит следить. Цитаты вытаскивать бесполезно, предмет обсуждения прочитать желательно. Замечание от лично меня: в принципе я часто с интересом читаю разборы вещей, которые я сама пока не открывала. Тут - не тот случай, ощущается необходимость знания.
Hero Of The Counterculture: Hellblazer #1 - подробно про первый номер легендарного комикса: I think it’s important to note that Constantine’s sense of displacement is very much a cultural crisis experienced by an older, British, white male (though it may no doubt resonate with people beyond this demographic, many of whom may have felt out of sync with or disavowed by the present for decades if not centuries). Constantine can dismiss the British Museum as “the treasure house of the empire,” but he can’t quite extract himself from its implications: it’s where “we keep all the loot.” He can keep his distance from people like Hawkins who want to romanticize the past, and he can condemn people like Lester more interested in keeping the “drop out” aspects of the 1960s counterculture alive instead of the movement’s political and social aspirations. But Constantine can’t necessarily shake the feeling of survivor’s guilt, a sensation that’s obviously tied to the personal losses he suffered prior to this storyline but also seems to be saying something about the legacy of colonialism and empire.
'The Invisibles' Omnibus Collects The Essence Of Grant Morrison In 1500 Pages - Еще один легендарный комикс, на этот раз Гранта Моррисона: As such, reading all three volumes collected in the omnibus in one sitting may just entirely rewrite your personal cosmology. Proceed with caution. Chaos magic, LSD, tantric sex, the sunspot cycle, neuro-linguistic programming, memes, William S. Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Terrence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson, Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius stories, the Mayan calendar, alien abduction, Gnosticism, Manichaeism, Situationism, Discordianism, Dadaism, shamanism, transcendentalism, and several other -isms all find their way into the book, providing numerous pathways of discovery for the adventurous reader willing to stop and write down every eclectic reference and thought-provoking idea contained in every issue. Which was essentially what Morrison wanted: to provoke thought, to encourage consciousness-expansion, and to disseminate the types of ideas that he believed might go on to infect and motivate readers. Repeatedly referring to The Invisibles as a "hypersigil," a long-form magical act meant to alter reality in accordance with intent, Morrison was actively trying to make a better world through fiction.
Marvel - Стэн Ли, Люди Икс, Человек-Паук и не толькоMarvel:
Стэн ЛиСмотрите: Стэн Ли!

Потому что. Ну а теперь - ссылки:
With Great Power: Stan Lee, superhero - про фильм про Стэна и, собственно, самого Стэна: In the Douglas, Frakes and Hess universe, 1961 is the year that John Kennedy became president, Alan Shepard became the first American in space, the bikini was born and Marvel Comics published the first "Fantastic Four." (That's actually from a clip of Hugh Downs on ABC's "20/20.") And Marvel Comics is the "greatest revolution in literature on campus since the fold out nude" according to the University of California's now-defunct humor publication, "California Pelican." These popular culture quips are catchy but not always particularly useful, such as the brief inclusion of Paris Hilton proclaiming that Stan Lee is hot.
At Last...The End Of Stan Lee Media Inc vs Stan Lee - по случаю завершения процесса Stan Lee Media против Стэна Ли рассказ о том, в чём же там дело, и что произошло: Judge Wilson was totally correct when he stated that the case boiled down to this: Stan Lee Media were arguing that Stan Lee had signed a contract back in 1998 handing over any and all characters that he’d created in the past and would create in the future to Stan Lee Media. Stan Lee argued that any copyrights on Marvel characters were not included in the deal; they belonged, and still belong, to Marvel Entertainment and, to add more confusion, Lee signed a new deal with Marvel a month later (November 1998) which reassigned his copyrights and trademarks, in return for a million dollar per year deal, plus perks.
Marvel Now!
Marvel Now! - что и как происходит:
A Pair Of Dispatches From The Department Of Yuck - Том Спёрджен о заявлениях Марвел про Marvel NOW! и маркетинговую политику компании: Thinking that event comics are going to be worth something is a deeply-ingrained part of comics' public identity. It's going to be decades before that goes away. In general, though, the idea behind speculation seems like something more folks should stamp out whenever they see it. There should be culture-wide resistance to ripping people off that way, and I say ripping off because it almost always proves not to be the case that people get rich off of buying extra or expensive copies of these things. Constantly frustrating people that are interested in comics seems like a terrible idea at this point in the medium's history; it seems like a bad thing to do just for the doing of it.
Marvel Talks Marvel NOW! with Retailers, Emphasizes It's Not a Reboot - и кстати о маркетинговой политике: Марвел настаивает, что происходящее - не ребут. Разумеется, без пинка в адрес главного конкурента при обсуждении планов не обошлось: "The way a moviegoer could walk into 'Iron Man 2' and not necessarily have to have seen 'Iron Man' to really enjoy that movie or to go into 'The Avengers' and not have to have seen 'Iron Man,' 'Iron Man 2,' 'Captain America' or 'Thor' to enjoy that movie, that's what we're trying to get at here," he said... "I want to speak very bluntly and plainly to this because one of the faults of the New 52 for me was that they had such non confidence in many of the writers that by the fourth or fifth issue, they were shaking up the relaunches," Alonso said. "You will not see that in this launch. The writers are there to stay for the long term. Is it possible that somewhere along the road [one] might drop by the wayside? It's always possible. But if you take a look at the lineup of people we're putting out there, you don't hire Matt Fraction to write a book or Jonathan Hickman or Brian Bendis to do a franchise book and then fold up shop eleven or twelve issues into the run.
Post-AvX, is Marvel quietly renovating its Architects line-up? - о том, как трансформируется группа ключевых авторов Марвел: Looking at that, it seems Brubaker might have effectively left the world-building Architects group entirely, with Bendis and Fraction reassigned to the X-titles and the Fantastic Four, respectively. Hickman is shifting in to play a more central role, and Aaron’s doing Thor: God of Thunder and Wolverine & the X-Men while seemingly waiting for another title (or titles) to be announced.
Люди Икс
Люди Икс:
Avengers Vs X-Men To Be The Model For Future Marvel Events - Марвел крайне довольны реакцией фандома и рынка на кроссовер и планируют продолжать в том же духе. Слышите? Слышите далёкий плач души трезвеющих фанбоев?
SUNDAY SLUGFEST: Avengers vs. X-Men #10 - обсуждение на данный момент последнего номера великого кроссовера: On the other hand, it's sort of a cheat to have Wanda, the wild card for the second half of this series, suddenly have her "chaos touch" powers falter, though. They never really told us why she was an anti-Phoenix force, and now they're none-too-clear on why she isn't. Sure, Cyclops has powered up even further, but much more interesting was seeing both Magneto and Charles chafing, each in their own ways, against the yokes imposed by the Phoenix Five. Seems Scott and Emma have finally worked everyone's last nerve.
Riding the Gravy Train 21 (Uncanny X-Men #17) - можно ли считать ли убийство Синистеров геноцидом? Я склоняюсь к "нет", но "на поиграться" мысль интересная: If Sinister was one man, would we necessarily balk at the X-Men killing him? How does that change if that one man duplicates himself on a large scale? Is that really a different race or simply a bunch of photocopies? Is there a difference? Hell, whether a single being or a million, isn't something unique and differently genetically, like Sinister, a race? But... I don't think if Sinister were just a single man, we'd consider his murder genocide despite the reality (an entire race wiped out) being the same. I guess there's also the problem in comics that we're not certain that the entire race is dead, or that Sinister won't return at some point. However, I'm not sure that actually matters. Cyclops's perception that he's killed the entire species is the same whether or not he's actually accomplished that goal. In his mind, he's murdered them all. Is that, for our purposes, any different from his committing genocide?
The Fifth Color | Paradise burns - про Uncanny X-Men #17 и то, чем на самом деле этот комикс отличался от прочих современных комиксов про людей Икс: Man, I miss villains for the X-Men. Characters like Sublime or the new Hellfire Club just don’t cut it for me; I need a guy (or gal!) with a clear goal that is morally wrong but that they have convinced themselves is right. With the number of threatening people who’ve joined up with the X-Men, Cyclops’ hardline goals and Wolverine’s willingness to lead a kill squad, we’ve entered a gray period of who’s really on whose side, and the Avengers fighting the X-Men doesn’t help much either.
Wait, So Wolverine… What? And Then… Huh? Welcome to a Marvel Retcon! и What the @#$% Is Jeph Loeb Doing to Wolverine - про очередные изменения в непредсказуемом прошлом Росомахи. Да, опять. Ну вот так: Maybe I'm wrong, and Loeb has the modern Wolverine masterpiece of our time waiting for us. But based on his recent body of work, I'm betting that's not the case. Honestly, I'd bet that Loeb just really, really wanted to do a big Wolverine twist, came up with this one, and decided he figure out what to do with it later. Why don't you ask M. Night how that's working out for him?
From A Library – Wolverine: Old Man Logan - о прекрасном, чудесном комиксе Марка Миллара: Millar’s success is based on a mixture of easy-to-grasp concepts (which are not original but he promotes them as such), shock tactics and clear storytelling. He is good at taking ideas that have worked in other forms and transposing them to comic books. Case in point: Old Man Logan is essentially Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven, with some extra road movie thrown in, with Marvel’s Acts Of Vengeance crossover from 1989 as a starting point... The thing that annoys me about this comic book is the sloppy plotting that Millar uses to justify the ‘coolness’ of his story (which is his modus operandi).
Spider-Man has spun his web for 50 years - посвящённый юбилею комикса материал из мейнстримной прессы. Десять причин его популярности: The past 50 years have seen Peter Parker toss his costume in the garbage and quit, warn of the dangers of drug addiction at the request of the government, get cloned and unmask himself to the world, among other things. That created a deep emotional connection.
Amazing Spider-Man #692 Review - большой отзыв на юбилейный номер: This added responsibility adds an extra layer to the conflicts Peter will face as Spider-Man. For the first time he not only has to work with someone in his adventures but also train someone. The way Peter will approach training Alpha will be interesting given the fact he has never received training. Just from the brief splash page of the training Spider-Man put Alpha through shows that there are a lot of fun possibilities with this new mentor role Spider-Man is in.
Chain Reactions | The Amazing Spider-Man #692 - коллекция ссылок на отзывы на всё тот же юбилейный номер.
Off My Mind: Spider-Man and his New Amazing (?) Sidekick - размышления о том, зачем Человеку-Пауку сайдкик: The main problem with Spider-Man becoming the mentor to a new and young sidekick is it makes him feel older. It was said that one of the reasons to erase the marriage between Peter and Mary Jane was because it would be hard for younger readers to relate to a married superhero. Using this same logic, one would think it might be hard for those same younger readers to relate to a hero that's in a position of authority. Do kids relate to their teachers or parents? Probably not in the way Marvel might want.
Celebrating Spider-Man: Five Decades of Anniversary Covers - коллекция юбилейных обложек.
50 Years Later: Growth And Maturity in Amazing Spider-Man 1-50 - про довольно редкую для франчайзовой супергероики эволюцию персонажа как личности: Peter Parker, as a character, is not the type of person you would like to hang out with. He's deeply insecure, as a result of being bullied and coddled perhaps, and that insecurity manifests itself as extraordinary arrogance and self-centeredness. Parker spends many of those early issues railing against unfairness and his enemies. He has an "If only they knew" point of view, one that reinforces his own perception of himself as an underdog and loser. Even after successful moments of heroism, like when he rescued John Jameson from a botched space launch, his first thought is of himself, and how even J. Jonah Jameson would hire him now... Peter Parker got lucky. He had a family that loved him, and they did their best to teach him right and wrong and prepare him for life as an adult. He didn't get it when he was a teenager, but precious few of us did. But as he grew, as he gained life experience and friends, he came to understand that being Spider-Man isn't a thing you do just because you can, or to get a thrill, or to show people how awesome you are because you feel inadequate.
Avengers VS X-Men: War Journals | Relatable Characters - люди о том, с кем они себя ассоциируют и почему Видео. Вдруг кому интересно.
Should Deadpool Regain His Healing Factor? - альтернативный взгляд на то, нужна Дэдпулу его регенерация:The thing is, Deadpool is all about recklessness. In fact, the very term encompasses his personality and is what makes his character so unique. There's something about picking up a Deadpool book and reading a story about a character that just doesn't really give a damn and does basically, whatever he wants, that is so much fun. The stories are funny and lighthearted, and his sense of humor can be attributed to the fact that he doesn't really have to worry about anything because he can't really die. It's what makes him different from any other hero or anti-hero or…well, whatever he feels like being today. So maybe the healing factor was a big part of the reason why Deadpool was so much fun to read. But can you really tell an interesting story about a character who does, basically, the same thing over and over again? Who is invulnerable to any attacks? Whose actions have no repercussions? That is, essentially, what good storytelling is all about, right? Or is Deadpool the exception?
Looking at Loki Part 7: More Than a Memory, a Bond Beyond Blood - про комиксного Локи, часть цикла статей-заметок в основном пересказывающих комиксы: I like how it's in keeping with the spirit of Loki: in mythology, Loki's mishaps, while they seem bad at first, often lead to things working out for the best, creating good circumstances that wouldn't have happened otherwise.
Some Thoughts on David Mazzucchelli’s Daredevil: Born Again Artist’s Edition - комментарии к новому изданию "Сорвиголовы" Маззуччелли. В комментариях интересная (специфическим людям вроде меня) дискуссия о целях таких изданий. Да, издана книга не Марвел, но запихивать эту ссылку в другую категорию мне показалось... странным: Mazzucchelli crafted some of the best down-and-dirty action sequences of in comics, employing a kind of Toth-ian clarity in combination with urgent linework and tone. The viewer always knows where the fight is going, who is doing what, and the brutality of it is, if anything, accentuated, because everyone looks human and breakable.
The Big Fat Lesbian Problem With Guardians of the Galaxy: or State of the Cosmic Books circa 2009 - мёртвые лесбиянки в... да много где. Но в данном случае - в ваших комиксах: See, it’s not so much any one thing. If Moondragon happened to die in a big crossover, I’d say “well, so did other characters” and cut some slack. It’s that she dies without ever kissing her girlfriend, after being turned into a creature that literally cannot kiss girlfriends.
Luke Cage: “And if I’m fake, I ain’t notice, ’cause my money ain’t!” - Люк Кейдж как метафора необходимости афроамериканцев адаптироваться к миру белых людей: So what’s a fella with newly-hardened brown skin to do? The only thing you can do: you find some way around the rules. If you can’t use your powers in plain clothes or get a straight job, then you do something that lets you do that. In the Marvel Universe, you throw on a costume and you come up with a gimmick. You find something that’ll let you get by. More generally, or maybe more specifically from a black American point of view, you find something that’ll let you get by in a white man’s world.
Pretty sure I didn’t have a single friend, then I checked the mailbox - ещё один из серии постов Криса Бёрда с идеями, которые можно было бы воплотить в жизнь, рассказывая истории про Доктора Стрейнджа: Why does this matter to Dr. Strange in the present day? Well, it matters for three reasons. Firstly, it matters because quite frequently the answer to a magical dilemma can be found in correspondence between two sorcerers who have both been dead for over a century, which means negotiating with the people who now hold those letters. (Dr. Doom, unsurprisingly, has a large library of it.) Secondly, it matters because it’s still happening today via email and secured forum posting – and, yes, snailmail for the traditionalists – which means at any given point there are literally dozens of would-be wizards casting spells and unintentionally (one hopes) causing chaos that can be a tremendous bother when you are Sorcerer Supreme.
Image Comics - юбилярыImage Comics:
И ещё один юбилей - на этот раз двадцатилетний!
Image Innovation: Then & Now - о значении Image в современной комикс-индустрии: Because where will creators turn when they need to create without a heavy editorial hand? Where will they turn when they need to own their properties both for quality control and for future investment? When they need high production values and solid exposure without the work for hire downsides? The answer of late is simply IMAGE.
Sharpening the Image: Introduction - вступление к рассказу о формировании Image как творческого конгломерата. Стоит сделать закладку и отслеживать: Instead of a historical perspective, then, my intent is to begin looking at the actual titles these revolutionary creators produced — from the company’s inception to the “leaner” years following the industry-wide comics “recession” to the more recent “comics renaissance” of the new millennium. Through careful examination, perhaps one might conclude that, in spite of any immediate fallout from Image’s explosive beginnings, their move to expand the publishing playing field has strengthened the industry and provided readers with some of the strongest examples of mainstream comics to date.
Price Drop Alert! Saga, Fatale, The Manhattan Projects & More Image #1′s are now FREE! - бесплатные комиксы!!! Ну, если вам доступен формат.
The Middle Ground #118 | Turn left - о трансформации индустрии и роли с одной стороны Большой Двойки, а с другой - компаний с... другой политикой в отношении авторов, в частности Image: The odd thing, perhaps, is that the Big Two publishers are part of the equation at all. If Image is both your launching pad and your escape pod, then why take the detour to Marvel or DC in the first place? I’m asking somewhat sarcastically, because I know that the answer is “because we want to,” as well as “because there are readers out there who pay attention to the Big Two in a way that they don’t pay attention to other things, and it’s a way to catch the attention of an entirely different readership that isn’t available anywhere else.”
Comic Book Casting: The Image 7 - кастинг воображаемого фильма про основание Image Comics. В роли Тодда МакФерлейна - Джеймс Франко. В роли Роба Лайфелда... нет, вы лучше сходите по ссылке, оно того стоит.
Супергерои - DC и Марвел вперемешкуСупергерои - DC и Марвел вперемешку:
DC versus Marvel versus Hollywood - автор задаётся вопросом о том, почему у DC всё хорошо с анимацией, а у Marvel - с игровым кино, и приходит к выводу о том, что это "врождённое": The basic truth is that we watch animation to escape and we watch live action to relate. The characters and universe of DC are a true escape, which is why their animated movies are so great. It is also why, with maybe 3 or exceptions, their live action movies are not so great. The difficulty lies in translating fantastic escape to a relatable experiance. The characters and universe of Marvel are truly relatable, which is why their live action movies are so great. On the flip side, when translating them to animation, the temptation is to make them more than what they are and, thus, the finished animated movies of Marvel leave you feeling like something wasn't quite right.
DC vs Marvel: My Take - а вот тут автор размышляет о том, кто лучше: Карк или Пикард. Извините, у меня сентиментальная тяга к несмешным шуткам: I will judge this on 7 different types of criteria: Heroes, Villains, Movies, Animated Films, Video Games, Graphic Novels, and Teams.
Olympians: Superhero Bodies and What Real Athletes Look Like и Superhero Body Diversity: Female Artists Offer Their Take - комикс-художники разных полов сравнивают разнополых же героев с телами атлетов, профессионально занимающихся тем или иным видом спорта, и распределяют героев по категориям: Captain America is a boxer or a rugby player, though Andrasofszky suggested a marine's physique. All three types could be described as compactly muscular. Because Batman is an all-rounder, he was tagged as either a triathlete or a mixed martial artist. Namor, unsurprisingly, was labelled a swimmer-type by three artists, though Andrasofszky's ranking suggests a bulkier build. The character is more of a brawler than a speedster, so a water polo physique might fit... The artists agreed that Catwoman and Psylocke would be about the same size, "but I think Catwoman has more of an hourglass shape, and I'd give Psylocke more muscles," said Cloonan. "Psylocke should be definitively a bit bigger, in strength and muscle, she hits while Catwoman dodges," said Rios. "I see Psylocke as a martial artist and Selina as an acrobat." Scott echoed this assessment, noting that Psylocke would be "lean but just a little beefy", while Catwoman "still has all her curves."
Thoughts on how the female figure is illustrated in comics these days - Курт Бьюсек отвечает на вопрос на Формспринге: My complaint is that variety is necessary to storytelling. When artists draw all the women to look like they're auditioning for a Vegas chorus line, it gets in the way of storytelling. It even gets in the way of making the characters who are supposed to be sexy look sexy, because if Kitty Pryde looks like a stripper, where do you go to make the White Queen look sexier and vampier? Make her even more so? Doesn't take long down that road to hit "ridiculous."
Ииии я подошла к лимиту знаков в записи. А у меня ещё столько всего более-менее, почти, слегка интересного в запасе! Хм. Э... похоже, продолжение следует!
Притворяться, что это четверг бесполезно, но повторное погружение в мир комикс-новостей далось мне на удивление тяжело, так что соблюдением (придуманного мною для меня же) графика попытаюсь заняться со следующего раза.
Пока - ссылки.
Осторожно: этот пост крайне обманчив, под нечеловеческим количеством катов скрываются чудовищные объёмы!
КИРБИ!!!Джек Кирби:
Еcли кто не в курсе, то в прошедший вторник - двадцать восьмого августа - Джеку Кирби, многими называемому "Королём Комиксов", исполнилось бы девяносто пять лет. По этому поводу на неделе выло сказано много слов и вывешено много картинок. Кликните хотя бы на пару ссылок, любителям комиксов стоит знать такие вещи:
Kirby's Characters - список придуманных Кирби персонажей. С большой вероятностью неполный.
It’s Jack Kirby’s Birthday - The King of (Kick Ass Women in) Comics - ну или вот так вот: придуманные Кирби значимые женские персонажи: And so it is time to pay tribute to the man who created some truly female comic characters that truly do kick ass.
Слова и посвящения:
Happy Jack Kirby Day! - I've heard that many people who were inspired by Jack's work took their drawings to him to see what he thought. And regardless of their skill level, he'd try to find something positive to say and encourage them. But in those encouragements, he also tried to tell them NOT to copy him. Not that he was offended, or felt there was any sort of competition, but he wanted people to create IN THEIR OWN VOICE.
All Hail The King: Jack Kirby - He defined style and language for a comic book industry still very much standing on his shoulders.
JACK KIRBY MAKES ME STUPID - Дин Хаспиэль о Кирби: I dig the way Kirby graphically presents the clash of transition. The organisms of the old in conflict with the technology of the new while commenting on the state of the future. A world wide war. Kirby was fascinated with the twilight of the future while honoring the wisdom, heartbreaks, and history of the past.
Пиксапамы и слова о рисунках:
A birthday message for The King from THE WORLD THAT'S COMING!!!!!
Art For Art’s Sake – Happy Birthday Jack
The King of Comics
Happy 95th Birthday, Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby, The King Of Comics, Would Have Been 95 Today
Making a Splash: "Madbomb"--Jack Kirby's Return to Captain America and Marvel
“WAM!” PEOPLE! A King is Born!
Cosmic Theology: Jack Kirby's Representations Of God
And now….topless Jack Kirby
The CR Video Parade Jack Kirby 95th Birthday Special - коллекция видео.
Random Jack Kirby Links And News Round Up - коллекция ссылок.
Bizarro Back Issues: OMAC And The City Of The Super-Rich!! (1974) - один конкретный комикс.
Happy 95th Birthday, Jack Kirby - про Дарксайда, добро, зло и смерть: Kirby redefined good not as a moral issue, but one of freedom. The freedom to love, laugh, share, create, and more. There's the potential for harm, and many of the New Gods struggle with that potential, but just having that potential is vital. It needs to be there. Being able to choose to do wrong is greater than being forced to do good. Free will is everything. The Life Equation is everything beautiful, warts and all.
Jack Kirby’s Collages in Context - интересно о коллажах Кирби: Removed from sequential storytelling and employed rather as illustration, these collages stand on their own as singular works of art. Kirby was so passionate about this art-form, that when he was asked if they should bring anything, he would request visitors to his home bring periodicals as fodder for his collages.
Kirby Dynamics - ну и блог для тех, кому мало, и кто хотел бы получать новую дозу Кирби по несколько раз в день. Осторожно: присутствует ненависть к Стэну Ли!
DC - обсуждение Ребута, Лига Справедливости, Бэтмен с его фильмом, Супермен, Before Watchmen и прочее, включая комиксы не про супергероевDC:
Ребут, которому на днях исполнился год, так что дальше подобного будет большеРебут, которому на днях исполнился год, так что дальше подобного будет больше:
The New 52: Did We Get What We Hoped For? - про то, сбылись ли надежды. По пунктам, общий вывод смешанный, но с очевидным уклоном в "нет".
The Top Five Things I Miss in the DC Universe - чего не хватает в новой Вселенной DC. История, пресонажи, мегакроссоверы.
Two Reasons The New 52 Is Disliked - за что не любят DC после Ребута. Ожидаемое, предсказуемое.
One Year Later: Catwoman - Женщина-Кошка через год после рабута: Issue #3 was the moment when the character snapped into focus for readers, and suddenly the book’s rushed, racing momentum started to make sense as a character trait. We were used to seeing a Catwoman who stands up to Batman without any fear, and has a great time, you see -- but what Winick did was show us the other side of that. After first giving us the prototypical Catwoman, all sexual, tightly-clothed and Batman-bothering, Winick then pulled a switch on readers and showed us the toll that keeping up this persona has on Kyle’s psyche... There’s always been a struggle for DC in making Catwoman a heroic protagonist, because she’s meant to be a villain turned reluctant aide to Batman. She’s not meant to stop crime, so much as she’s meant to be a time-bomb vigilante destined to implode one day. As a result, most of the famous runs with the character had to glamorize her villainous side, making her seem like an action hero when she’s really a crook. Winick crushes this viciously in his run.
One Year Later: Batwing - от тех же людей про Бэтвинга, ссылки на всю серию "год спустя" есть в конце статьи. В любом случае, перспективы персонажа на данный момент крайне туманны, потому что в DC... ладно, об этом потом и отдельно, а пока: Which wouldn’t have made a bit of difference if the solo series had been awful. But instead, the series proved to be… well, let’s call it "decent." It was never an incredible, amazing title, but it was solid read each month. Batwing came across as a likeable, inventive central character -- not as dynamic as Nightwing, but more empathetic than Tim Drake; and the storylines attempted to deal with political and adult ideas. The one complaint is that writer Judd Winick did struggle to make the book something appealing to all-ages, but sandwiched between two fairly dark Batwing-centric stories came the big "Night of the Owls" crossover thing.
Лига Справедливости
Лига Справедливости:
Justice League #12: Five Things We Learned и Justice League International Annual #1: Five Things We Learned - выводы из двух комиксов.
Justice League of America: What Does it Mean for DC? - перспективы Вселенной DC и отдельных комиксов через призму нового состава "Лиги Справедливости": The addition of a number of embattled characters to this team may have ramifications for some of their titles, too. Catwoman will likely hang on for a while without Judd Winick, but it’s hard to imagine that there’s nothing telling in both she and Green Arrow coming onto this title. Even if their books are kept alive (because of their high profile in other media) it seems impossible to put both of them on a book together and not cede some control of it to Ann Nocenti, who writes both of their monthlies.
Justice League Movies: What Stories From the Comics Could Work? - идеи, которые можно использовать при создании фильма. Который обязательно будет. Когда-нибудь.
Off My Mind: Looking at the New JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA Roster - размышления о новом составе "Лиги": If you're going to form a new Justice League team, it makes perfect sense to get a Green Lantern on board. The question is, where does his allegiances lie? If we're seeing a new Green Lantern being added to the Corps now, right when the Guardians are plotting to take them down, you have to wonder if they had anything to do with his being appointed. Also, how will he be convinced to join a team on Earth when he has the power to fly through space?
Q&A #168: Who would you cast in a Justice League film? - фанатский кастинг, наглядно демонстрирующий проблемы, типичные для фанатских кастингов и заодно дающий представление о том, какие телесериалы смотрят авторы. Селена Гомез в роли Затанны, серьёзно? Впрочем, могло бы быть и хуже: я всё ещё помню, как на роль Чудо-Женщины фанаты активно хотели (бррр) Меган Фокс.
On Batman Incorporated #3 (Part 1) и On Grant Morrison & Chris Burnham's "Batman Incorporated" #3 (Part 2 of 2) - хвалебный отзыв о Batman Incorporated от любимого мною автора:
The post-Millennium super-book has so often been a corrosively bland, flaccid experience. Page upon page of ill-focused waffling slapped over dull, repetitive visuals. Page after page of mostly textless spectacle, reliant upon all those strange hyper-muscled, manically-rendered obsessions which we've learned to associate with locked-in fanboy syndrome. But Morrison and Burnham, among all too few of their peers, are obviously saturated with the knowledge of how the comic book used to hook and snare its readers.
Where Morrison's speech bubbles are carrying things forward in a way that's not immediately compelling, Burnham's art is either imaginatively complimenting the text or offering a beguiling if not overly-distracting counter-narrative.
Burnham's take on Wayne himself seems to strangely suggest a small lad who's jumped from boyhood into uber-maliness without any of the inconvenience of the intervening years. What could be more appropriate for the Darknight Detective, who never did grow up in the aftermath of his parent's murder? In an interesting reversal of roles, it's actually Damian who emerges in The Hanged Man as the voice of suspicion and caution, his fundamental adoration of his father expressing itself as an almost-patriarchal concern.
A narrative with nothing but the welfare of Batman at its heart is likely - though not entirely damned - to be a relatively thin and uber-masculine one. The caped crusader is, after all, inevitably going to survive, and his fate will tend to ultimately depend on his capacity to outpunch his opponents. So far, so ultimately predictable. But none of the various Gothamites which we're briefly shown here have any such a guarantee of survival, and their vulnerability even in passing adds a charge of uncertainty to what might otherwise be a fundamentally foreseeable, if undoubtedly brilliantly presented, tale.
Here, there's a great many other players standing between the Dark Knight and the mother of his troubled, if formidable, son, which suggests a fascinatingly chaotic system rather than a straight-forward Manichean confrontation between our man and their woman.
10 Reasons the Next Batman Movie Should be Batman Beyond - почему следущий фильм мог бы быть основан на "Бэтмена Будущего". Этого, конечно же, никогда не случится, но пусть: That's the sweet spot for something that's being adapted to film — you need something that's got a lot of great stuff at its core, but doesn't demand total fetishistic adherence to every little detail.
Batgirl! The Secret Origin - вроде как история появления Кассандры Кейн, но на самом деле скорее рассказ об атмосфере в офисе DC в середине 90-х: And then somewhere on the way back to my office I had this crazy vision of a new Batgirl. She was young—late teens, I thought—and Asian, because, well, at the time we had an awful lotta white faces in the DCU, and I thought, if we’re creating a brand new character in the DCU, why on earth would we make her white when other races are under-represented?
The Killing Joke: A Different Way to Read It - альтернативная трактовка "Убийственной шутки", во многом (но не полностью) разбивающаяся о подразумевавшийся при создании комикса "альтернативный" статус истории: From a publication standpoint, it may be seen as one of the linchpins, the pivotal turning points from the grim and gritty Batman. And from a narrative standpoint, it may explain Batman's descent into being more withdrawn, colder, and more distant to his friends and loved ones in the 90s. The narrative explanation for that is usually the death of the second Robin, Jason Todd, and how Batman couldn't deal with his inability to save him, but maybe it was actually this moment, when something just snapped in his brain.
DC Histories: Ace the Bat-Hound - Вы ведь тоже хотите узнать побольше про Бэт-Собаку? Да хотите, не притворяйтесь.
First Impressions: Robin - "Про Робина и меня": Robin has come very much to be the tail end of “Batman and” for me, even not being an avid Batman guy. I suppose just as I’ve never been attached to Bruce Wayne but as a fan of comics am intrigued by Batman as a concept and archetype, I’m interested in what Robin adds to the mythos as a counterbalance, whether Dick as the light to the darkness, Jason as the rededication to the stagnation, Tim as the deliberate thinker to the ask-questions-later figure of vengeance, and even Damian as the unruly child to the reluctant adult.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises:
Это был фильм. Скорее всего, вы его даже посмотрели. Я тоже. В мире огромное количество людей, которые считают, что это кино великолепно. В мире так же огромное количество людей, которые считают Кристфера Нолана Мастером, Художником и со всех сторон прекрасным режиссёром. Я за них очень рада. А сейчас ссылки, которые как на подбор радуют моё сердуе:
A few spoiler-filled questions about The Dark Knight Rises, with spoilers! - про вопросы к сюжету. Претензии, честно говоря, так себе, часть из них так и вообще придирки, а другая - про системные свойства нолановской трактовки франчайза и персонажей, в которой режиссёр вполне последователен (к самой трактовке возникает куча вопросов, но внутри она довольно стройна - что есть, то есть).
The Friday You Just Go With It - предыдущая ссылка была дана в основном для того, чтобы контекстуализировать эту. Тут претензии автора заметно понятнее и заметно более внятно изложены: The good news is that the audience wants to play along. Really, we do. We will agree never to bring up the Hulk’s extra mass or WayneCorp’s horrible financial records or even Clark Kent’s utterly inadequate disguise. It’s much more fun to “just go with it.” Especially if we believe in the emotional reality of the characters. We go along with the idea of Batman because we all get why Bruce Wayne would want to be Batman... But the Batman in Rises… I didn’t believe in that guy. A Bruce Wayne who quits, who holes up in his mansion like Howard Hughes, who doesn’t bother to vet the woman he’s handing a giant piece of weapons technology…. no. I don’t buy it. That wasn’t Batman.
You Needn’t Get Up on My Account - рецензия на фильм на сайте The Comics Journal. Именно то, что можно было ожидать от такого расклада. Местами (во второй половине) смехотворно, местами в точку: From the day a parent first answers the question “Why don’t they just call the police?” with “Because then they wouldn’t have a movie” and you keep on watching, you have been recruited into the universe of It’s Only a Movie. The makers of movies should be careful about abusing this privilege. Science fiction writers refer to a major suspension of disbelief as a “gimme,” as in, “Gimme one completely outlandish thing and I swear everything else will be plausible.” Dark Knight Rises is gimme gimme gimme gimme from start to finish.
If 'Dark Knight Rises' Was 10 Times Shorter and More Honest - пародийный сценарий от Крэкд. Потому что да: Yeah, I'm sure that would hold up in court. "Your honor, he was sad first."... For the crime of me sitting through Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, I sentence you to exile!
How It Should Have Ended: ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ - видео, которое вы все уже видели.
Man of Steel: Five Ideas For the Ending (That Don’t Involve Justice League) - что из мифологии Супермена могло бы засветиться в новом фильме.
What's So Great About Jimmy Olsen? - название говорит само за себя: For those of you who aren't aware, Jimmy Olsen is basically his generation's Harley Quinn, but without the legions of cosplaying SuicideGirl fans... In a lot of ways, Jimmy Olsen is the Silver Age, all of its excesses and strange rules and metaphors and inspirations brought together in a perfect snapshot of the time. And that might be why creators in other eras have such a hard time working with him, even in a genre that's steeped in nostalgia.
Agent of S.T.Y.L.E. - KRYPTON Couture - Криптон и мода, или Много Всего Разного: But some futuristic and alien touches are added even to the wardrobe of Krypton's early history, causing some of its inhabitants to resemble characters from high adventure fantasy novels and Tolkien-inspired sagas. Thanks to this, ancient Krypton becomes not just the world of tomorrow but also a place where wizards and dragons may exist.
The Full Run - подробный разбор "Флэша", номер за номером, начиная с 1987-го. На данный момент авторы дошли до Марка Уэйда и сентября девяносто седьмого.
DC Histories: The Rogues - краткая история временами-не-то-чтобы-совсем-злодеев Флэша: The Rogues as we know them today wouldn’t come into play until two years after this first teamup. In 1965, a group of six Flash villains came together to fight their common foe.
Agent of S.T.Y.L.E. - FLASH Fashion Facts - Флэш и мода и история. В основном история. Но и мода тоже: One very cool thing about Wally’s Speed Force suit was that he would condense it into the shape of a ring and then when he needed to go into action, its energies would expand around him at will. Again, this pays tribute to Barry but still shows us that Wally is his own hero racing down his own path in life rather than treading over old ground.
Прочее супергероическое
Прочее супергероическое:
Why The Curse of Shazam is the right move for Captain Marvel - одобрение пост-ребутной трактовки Капитана Марвела: I believe that The Curse of Shazam offers the only take on the character that could conceivably work in the context of the current state of the DC Universe and the current comics distribution system.
The Atom: Where Do I Start? - краткий список "обязательного чтения" для интересующихся Атомом: The Atom is more than just a size-shifting superhero one-step removed from Ant-Man; epic comics writer Gardner Fox turned him into a epic adventurer our of shady sci-fi pulp novels, covering everything from interstellar travel, 1700s England, to fighting in miniature worlds decades before anyone ever heard of Micronauts. The Atom has been everything from scientist to superhero to super-spy and even an outer space border patrol agent.
When We First Met – The Life of Roy Harper - Рой Харпер, начало и продолжение, история в картинках.
Classics on Infinite Earths - классические истории про альтернативные реальности. В принципе читать стоит всю серию. Последний "выпуск" посвящён The Weird Джима Старлина и Берни Райтсона: This is not your standard Justice League story. It’s not even your standard super-hero story. It’s bizarre. It’s alien. It’s abstract science-fiction. But it surprises us with its humanity, more bravely depicted than most stories without such exotic elements. The Weird is a about unfathomable alien beings battling for Earth. It is about the strangeness that super-heroes like the Justice League might really encounter, beyond the traditional super-villains.
Before Watchmen
Before Watchmen:
Как вы, наверное, слышали, вдохновлённое коммерческим успехом приквелов? DC решило запустить ещё (пока что только) одну мини-серию, на этот раз про Молоха. От этой новости, я бы слегка умерла внутри, не будь я уже мертва внутри. По этому поводу я решила вывесить несколько подвернувшихся под руку негативных отзывов на Before Watchmen. Вам кажется, что слишком уж много у меня ссылок на плохие отзывы на Before Watchmen? Вы неправы: плохих отзывов на Before Watchmen не бывает слишком много! Нет, правда. Это научный факт. Итак:
Ладно, хорошо, вот вам сперва для баланса хорошее: Review: BEFORE WATCHMEN: DR. MANHATTAN #1
И колеблющееся: Best Shots Rapid Reviews: SCALPED, VENOM, DR. MANHTTAN, More, Before Watchmen: Doctor Manhattan #1 Review ну и …And the Superhuman Review – Before Watchmen: Doctor Manhattan #1 - That being said, yeah, as much as I enjoyed some of the ideas in this issue and how they were presented, it seems like through the way that it has mostly just revisited the events of Watchmen so far it is also the most inconsequential of the seven Before Watchmen series (it will undoubtedly be unseated for the title by Moloch when that comes out).
Уфф, это было тяжело. Ладно, наконец:
Dr Manhattan Rewrites Watchmen, And Chooses His Own Adventure - In Watchmen, Dr Manhattan is the most powerful person in the book. Yet his powers reflect those of the every day reader. He can read reality in any order he wishes, he can flip forward, he can flip back, he can see what happens next. Just like the reader can? Who watches the Watchmen? Well you do, and as an ordinary member of the public, you have the powers of a God when doing so. However, you can’t change things, Watchmen is a fixed text. For all its talk of quantum realities, it’s a clockwork world. Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan changes that experience at its fundamental core. Instead it has now become, for the character at least, a Steve Jackson Choose-Your-Own Adventure book… an experience that the reader is now divorced from, because we cannot do that. It also either makes a mockery of Manhattan’s claims about his ability to alter events in the original, or makes him out to be a liar. Which, you know, he has been. We just didn’t know he was lying about that too. Of course, in the original, he probably wasn’t. I guess it will get Star Trek Reset Button outed at the end, but even the possibility of this interpretation fights directly with one of the central aspects of the reading experience of the original.
On "Rorschach" #1 а вот это очень зло и очень здорово.
If you really are setting out to publicly piss in church, then the least you can do is make sure that your bladder's full to bursting before you do so. Yet Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo's Rorschach #1 is so woefully complacent, careless and insubstantial that it hardly seems worth their having attempted the heresy at all. You'd think that anyone taking the silver for a Before Watchmen book would at least want to balance out the damage to their ethical reputation with a bravado display of their storytelling chops. After all, even if you don't believe in the tenets of the church you're pissing in, you've got to be aware that it is a church and that folks are going to care what you do there. Finding a quiet corner and making just a tiny little bit of a mess while congratulating yourself on your daring isn't going to minimise the disrespect, but it will leave the sense that you didn't have the imagination, conviction and nerve to do anything more substantial with your moment of taboo-busting transgression.Yet Rorschach really is nothing more than a string of poorly told, grindingly obvious and misguided references to the character's starring role in Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's Watchmen.
Yet another beautiful, objectivised female victim. Yet another example of body-mutilating depravity. It's all as hackneyed and stupid-minded as it's sexist and cold-hearted. The apologist's argument will no doubt that every woman in Rorschach #1 is portrayed as stereotypically sexualised object because that's how the title character and the Bard see them. But if a creative team can't represent prejudice without replicating the form of deeply bigoted work, then they're really not up to their jobs.
Faced with the challenge of either creating a worthy, respectful adjunct to Watchmen or producing a vigorous and ambitious experience of their own, Azzarello and Bermejo have chosen instead to inexplicably eulogise all that's worst about the post-Watchmen vigilante fantasy.
Where Watchmen was threaded with a host of ethical questions and delivered in the form of what was then experimental storytelling, Rorschach is focused on nothing but threadbare genre cliche and boy-man thrilling titillation. When a comic's single surprising shot is that of a trousers-round-his-ankles reprobate wanking himself off in a room hired specifically for the purpose, the creators can hardly be criticised for an excess of ambition and innovation. Yet for all his enthusiasm for the pruriently irrelevant, Azzarello can't bring himself to produce a plot which makes sense in its own terms.
Yet all the semen-soaked tissues in the world can't transmit a sense of verisimilitude when the story itself is so carelessly bolted together. This isn't just a ethically unpleasant book. It's a poorly made one too.
By contrast, Rorschach is a depressingly stupid and reactionary book, concerned not to make us think so much as to revel in the uber-masculinity of it all, and that's as true for Bermejo's art as it is for Azzarello's scripts.
Rorschach should appear to be far more offensive than it does, but it's so obviously pathetic when compared to Watchmen itself that it's hard to do anything more than sneer. It certainly is as abhorrent as it's inept, and yet, what better karma could there be for its creators, than for everyone to know that they've produced this? There's little point in worrying too much about lambasting either writer or artist further when they've already done so much to damage their own reputations.
Не про супергероев
Не про супергероев:
Duet On 'Solo' - Мэтт Сенека и Шон Вицке о серии 'Solo'. За этим стоит следить. Цитаты вытаскивать бесполезно, предмет обсуждения прочитать желательно. Замечание от лично меня: в принципе я часто с интересом читаю разборы вещей, которые я сама пока не открывала. Тут - не тот случай, ощущается необходимость знания.
Hero Of The Counterculture: Hellblazer #1 - подробно про первый номер легендарного комикса: I think it’s important to note that Constantine’s sense of displacement is very much a cultural crisis experienced by an older, British, white male (though it may no doubt resonate with people beyond this demographic, many of whom may have felt out of sync with or disavowed by the present for decades if not centuries). Constantine can dismiss the British Museum as “the treasure house of the empire,” but he can’t quite extract himself from its implications: it’s where “we keep all the loot.” He can keep his distance from people like Hawkins who want to romanticize the past, and he can condemn people like Lester more interested in keeping the “drop out” aspects of the 1960s counterculture alive instead of the movement’s political and social aspirations. But Constantine can’t necessarily shake the feeling of survivor’s guilt, a sensation that’s obviously tied to the personal losses he suffered prior to this storyline but also seems to be saying something about the legacy of colonialism and empire.
'The Invisibles' Omnibus Collects The Essence Of Grant Morrison In 1500 Pages - Еще один легендарный комикс, на этот раз Гранта Моррисона: As such, reading all three volumes collected in the omnibus in one sitting may just entirely rewrite your personal cosmology. Proceed with caution. Chaos magic, LSD, tantric sex, the sunspot cycle, neuro-linguistic programming, memes, William S. Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Terrence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson, Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius stories, the Mayan calendar, alien abduction, Gnosticism, Manichaeism, Situationism, Discordianism, Dadaism, shamanism, transcendentalism, and several other -isms all find their way into the book, providing numerous pathways of discovery for the adventurous reader willing to stop and write down every eclectic reference and thought-provoking idea contained in every issue. Which was essentially what Morrison wanted: to provoke thought, to encourage consciousness-expansion, and to disseminate the types of ideas that he believed might go on to infect and motivate readers. Repeatedly referring to The Invisibles as a "hypersigil," a long-form magical act meant to alter reality in accordance with intent, Morrison was actively trying to make a better world through fiction.
Marvel - Стэн Ли, Люди Икс, Человек-Паук и не толькоMarvel:
Стэн ЛиСмотрите: Стэн Ли!

Потому что. Ну а теперь - ссылки:
With Great Power: Stan Lee, superhero - про фильм про Стэна и, собственно, самого Стэна: In the Douglas, Frakes and Hess universe, 1961 is the year that John Kennedy became president, Alan Shepard became the first American in space, the bikini was born and Marvel Comics published the first "Fantastic Four." (That's actually from a clip of Hugh Downs on ABC's "20/20.") And Marvel Comics is the "greatest revolution in literature on campus since the fold out nude" according to the University of California's now-defunct humor publication, "California Pelican." These popular culture quips are catchy but not always particularly useful, such as the brief inclusion of Paris Hilton proclaiming that Stan Lee is hot.
At Last...The End Of Stan Lee Media Inc vs Stan Lee - по случаю завершения процесса Stan Lee Media против Стэна Ли рассказ о том, в чём же там дело, и что произошло: Judge Wilson was totally correct when he stated that the case boiled down to this: Stan Lee Media were arguing that Stan Lee had signed a contract back in 1998 handing over any and all characters that he’d created in the past and would create in the future to Stan Lee Media. Stan Lee argued that any copyrights on Marvel characters were not included in the deal; they belonged, and still belong, to Marvel Entertainment and, to add more confusion, Lee signed a new deal with Marvel a month later (November 1998) which reassigned his copyrights and trademarks, in return for a million dollar per year deal, plus perks.
Marvel Now!
Marvel Now! - что и как происходит:
A Pair Of Dispatches From The Department Of Yuck - Том Спёрджен о заявлениях Марвел про Marvel NOW! и маркетинговую политику компании: Thinking that event comics are going to be worth something is a deeply-ingrained part of comics' public identity. It's going to be decades before that goes away. In general, though, the idea behind speculation seems like something more folks should stamp out whenever they see it. There should be culture-wide resistance to ripping people off that way, and I say ripping off because it almost always proves not to be the case that people get rich off of buying extra or expensive copies of these things. Constantly frustrating people that are interested in comics seems like a terrible idea at this point in the medium's history; it seems like a bad thing to do just for the doing of it.
Marvel Talks Marvel NOW! with Retailers, Emphasizes It's Not a Reboot - и кстати о маркетинговой политике: Марвел настаивает, что происходящее - не ребут. Разумеется, без пинка в адрес главного конкурента при обсуждении планов не обошлось: "The way a moviegoer could walk into 'Iron Man 2' and not necessarily have to have seen 'Iron Man' to really enjoy that movie or to go into 'The Avengers' and not have to have seen 'Iron Man,' 'Iron Man 2,' 'Captain America' or 'Thor' to enjoy that movie, that's what we're trying to get at here," he said... "I want to speak very bluntly and plainly to this because one of the faults of the New 52 for me was that they had such non confidence in many of the writers that by the fourth or fifth issue, they were shaking up the relaunches," Alonso said. "You will not see that in this launch. The writers are there to stay for the long term. Is it possible that somewhere along the road [one] might drop by the wayside? It's always possible. But if you take a look at the lineup of people we're putting out there, you don't hire Matt Fraction to write a book or Jonathan Hickman or Brian Bendis to do a franchise book and then fold up shop eleven or twelve issues into the run.
Post-AvX, is Marvel quietly renovating its Architects line-up? - о том, как трансформируется группа ключевых авторов Марвел: Looking at that, it seems Brubaker might have effectively left the world-building Architects group entirely, with Bendis and Fraction reassigned to the X-titles and the Fantastic Four, respectively. Hickman is shifting in to play a more central role, and Aaron’s doing Thor: God of Thunder and Wolverine & the X-Men while seemingly waiting for another title (or titles) to be announced.
Люди Икс
Люди Икс:
Avengers Vs X-Men To Be The Model For Future Marvel Events - Марвел крайне довольны реакцией фандома и рынка на кроссовер и планируют продолжать в том же духе. Слышите? Слышите далёкий плач души трезвеющих фанбоев?
SUNDAY SLUGFEST: Avengers vs. X-Men #10 - обсуждение на данный момент последнего номера великого кроссовера: On the other hand, it's sort of a cheat to have Wanda, the wild card for the second half of this series, suddenly have her "chaos touch" powers falter, though. They never really told us why she was an anti-Phoenix force, and now they're none-too-clear on why she isn't. Sure, Cyclops has powered up even further, but much more interesting was seeing both Magneto and Charles chafing, each in their own ways, against the yokes imposed by the Phoenix Five. Seems Scott and Emma have finally worked everyone's last nerve.
Riding the Gravy Train 21 (Uncanny X-Men #17) - можно ли считать ли убийство Синистеров геноцидом? Я склоняюсь к "нет", но "на поиграться" мысль интересная: If Sinister was one man, would we necessarily balk at the X-Men killing him? How does that change if that one man duplicates himself on a large scale? Is that really a different race or simply a bunch of photocopies? Is there a difference? Hell, whether a single being or a million, isn't something unique and differently genetically, like Sinister, a race? But... I don't think if Sinister were just a single man, we'd consider his murder genocide despite the reality (an entire race wiped out) being the same. I guess there's also the problem in comics that we're not certain that the entire race is dead, or that Sinister won't return at some point. However, I'm not sure that actually matters. Cyclops's perception that he's killed the entire species is the same whether or not he's actually accomplished that goal. In his mind, he's murdered them all. Is that, for our purposes, any different from his committing genocide?
The Fifth Color | Paradise burns - про Uncanny X-Men #17 и то, чем на самом деле этот комикс отличался от прочих современных комиксов про людей Икс: Man, I miss villains for the X-Men. Characters like Sublime or the new Hellfire Club just don’t cut it for me; I need a guy (or gal!) with a clear goal that is morally wrong but that they have convinced themselves is right. With the number of threatening people who’ve joined up with the X-Men, Cyclops’ hardline goals and Wolverine’s willingness to lead a kill squad, we’ve entered a gray period of who’s really on whose side, and the Avengers fighting the X-Men doesn’t help much either.
Wait, So Wolverine… What? And Then… Huh? Welcome to a Marvel Retcon! и What the @#$% Is Jeph Loeb Doing to Wolverine - про очередные изменения в непредсказуемом прошлом Росомахи. Да, опять. Ну вот так: Maybe I'm wrong, and Loeb has the modern Wolverine masterpiece of our time waiting for us. But based on his recent body of work, I'm betting that's not the case. Honestly, I'd bet that Loeb just really, really wanted to do a big Wolverine twist, came up with this one, and decided he figure out what to do with it later. Why don't you ask M. Night how that's working out for him?
From A Library – Wolverine: Old Man Logan - о прекрасном, чудесном комиксе Марка Миллара: Millar’s success is based on a mixture of easy-to-grasp concepts (which are not original but he promotes them as such), shock tactics and clear storytelling. He is good at taking ideas that have worked in other forms and transposing them to comic books. Case in point: Old Man Logan is essentially Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven, with some extra road movie thrown in, with Marvel’s Acts Of Vengeance crossover from 1989 as a starting point... The thing that annoys me about this comic book is the sloppy plotting that Millar uses to justify the ‘coolness’ of his story (which is his modus operandi).
Spider-Man has spun his web for 50 years - посвящённый юбилею комикса материал из мейнстримной прессы. Десять причин его популярности: The past 50 years have seen Peter Parker toss his costume in the garbage and quit, warn of the dangers of drug addiction at the request of the government, get cloned and unmask himself to the world, among other things. That created a deep emotional connection.
Amazing Spider-Man #692 Review - большой отзыв на юбилейный номер: This added responsibility adds an extra layer to the conflicts Peter will face as Spider-Man. For the first time he not only has to work with someone in his adventures but also train someone. The way Peter will approach training Alpha will be interesting given the fact he has never received training. Just from the brief splash page of the training Spider-Man put Alpha through shows that there are a lot of fun possibilities with this new mentor role Spider-Man is in.
Chain Reactions | The Amazing Spider-Man #692 - коллекция ссылок на отзывы на всё тот же юбилейный номер.
Off My Mind: Spider-Man and his New Amazing (?) Sidekick - размышления о том, зачем Человеку-Пауку сайдкик: The main problem with Spider-Man becoming the mentor to a new and young sidekick is it makes him feel older. It was said that one of the reasons to erase the marriage between Peter and Mary Jane was because it would be hard for younger readers to relate to a married superhero. Using this same logic, one would think it might be hard for those same younger readers to relate to a hero that's in a position of authority. Do kids relate to their teachers or parents? Probably not in the way Marvel might want.
Celebrating Spider-Man: Five Decades of Anniversary Covers - коллекция юбилейных обложек.
50 Years Later: Growth And Maturity in Amazing Spider-Man 1-50 - про довольно редкую для франчайзовой супергероики эволюцию персонажа как личности: Peter Parker, as a character, is not the type of person you would like to hang out with. He's deeply insecure, as a result of being bullied and coddled perhaps, and that insecurity manifests itself as extraordinary arrogance and self-centeredness. Parker spends many of those early issues railing against unfairness and his enemies. He has an "If only they knew" point of view, one that reinforces his own perception of himself as an underdog and loser. Even after successful moments of heroism, like when he rescued John Jameson from a botched space launch, his first thought is of himself, and how even J. Jonah Jameson would hire him now... Peter Parker got lucky. He had a family that loved him, and they did their best to teach him right and wrong and prepare him for life as an adult. He didn't get it when he was a teenager, but precious few of us did. But as he grew, as he gained life experience and friends, he came to understand that being Spider-Man isn't a thing you do just because you can, or to get a thrill, or to show people how awesome you are because you feel inadequate.
Avengers VS X-Men: War Journals | Relatable Characters - люди о том, с кем они себя ассоциируют и почему Видео. Вдруг кому интересно.
Should Deadpool Regain His Healing Factor? - альтернативный взгляд на то, нужна Дэдпулу его регенерация:The thing is, Deadpool is all about recklessness. In fact, the very term encompasses his personality and is what makes his character so unique. There's something about picking up a Deadpool book and reading a story about a character that just doesn't really give a damn and does basically, whatever he wants, that is so much fun. The stories are funny and lighthearted, and his sense of humor can be attributed to the fact that he doesn't really have to worry about anything because he can't really die. It's what makes him different from any other hero or anti-hero or…well, whatever he feels like being today. So maybe the healing factor was a big part of the reason why Deadpool was so much fun to read. But can you really tell an interesting story about a character who does, basically, the same thing over and over again? Who is invulnerable to any attacks? Whose actions have no repercussions? That is, essentially, what good storytelling is all about, right? Or is Deadpool the exception?
Looking at Loki Part 7: More Than a Memory, a Bond Beyond Blood - про комиксного Локи, часть цикла статей-заметок в основном пересказывающих комиксы: I like how it's in keeping with the spirit of Loki: in mythology, Loki's mishaps, while they seem bad at first, often lead to things working out for the best, creating good circumstances that wouldn't have happened otherwise.
Some Thoughts on David Mazzucchelli’s Daredevil: Born Again Artist’s Edition - комментарии к новому изданию "Сорвиголовы" Маззуччелли. В комментариях интересная (специфическим людям вроде меня) дискуссия о целях таких изданий. Да, издана книга не Марвел, но запихивать эту ссылку в другую категорию мне показалось... странным: Mazzucchelli crafted some of the best down-and-dirty action sequences of in comics, employing a kind of Toth-ian clarity in combination with urgent linework and tone. The viewer always knows where the fight is going, who is doing what, and the brutality of it is, if anything, accentuated, because everyone looks human and breakable.
The Big Fat Lesbian Problem With Guardians of the Galaxy: or State of the Cosmic Books circa 2009 - мёртвые лесбиянки в... да много где. Но в данном случае - в ваших комиксах: See, it’s not so much any one thing. If Moondragon happened to die in a big crossover, I’d say “well, so did other characters” and cut some slack. It’s that she dies without ever kissing her girlfriend, after being turned into a creature that literally cannot kiss girlfriends.
Luke Cage: “And if I’m fake, I ain’t notice, ’cause my money ain’t!” - Люк Кейдж как метафора необходимости афроамериканцев адаптироваться к миру белых людей: So what’s a fella with newly-hardened brown skin to do? The only thing you can do: you find some way around the rules. If you can’t use your powers in plain clothes or get a straight job, then you do something that lets you do that. In the Marvel Universe, you throw on a costume and you come up with a gimmick. You find something that’ll let you get by. More generally, or maybe more specifically from a black American point of view, you find something that’ll let you get by in a white man’s world.
Pretty sure I didn’t have a single friend, then I checked the mailbox - ещё один из серии постов Криса Бёрда с идеями, которые можно было бы воплотить в жизнь, рассказывая истории про Доктора Стрейнджа: Why does this matter to Dr. Strange in the present day? Well, it matters for three reasons. Firstly, it matters because quite frequently the answer to a magical dilemma can be found in correspondence between two sorcerers who have both been dead for over a century, which means negotiating with the people who now hold those letters. (Dr. Doom, unsurprisingly, has a large library of it.) Secondly, it matters because it’s still happening today via email and secured forum posting – and, yes, snailmail for the traditionalists – which means at any given point there are literally dozens of would-be wizards casting spells and unintentionally (one hopes) causing chaos that can be a tremendous bother when you are Sorcerer Supreme.
Image Comics - юбилярыImage Comics:
И ещё один юбилей - на этот раз двадцатилетний!
Image Innovation: Then & Now - о значении Image в современной комикс-индустрии: Because where will creators turn when they need to create without a heavy editorial hand? Where will they turn when they need to own their properties both for quality control and for future investment? When they need high production values and solid exposure without the work for hire downsides? The answer of late is simply IMAGE.
Sharpening the Image: Introduction - вступление к рассказу о формировании Image как творческого конгломерата. Стоит сделать закладку и отслеживать: Instead of a historical perspective, then, my intent is to begin looking at the actual titles these revolutionary creators produced — from the company’s inception to the “leaner” years following the industry-wide comics “recession” to the more recent “comics renaissance” of the new millennium. Through careful examination, perhaps one might conclude that, in spite of any immediate fallout from Image’s explosive beginnings, their move to expand the publishing playing field has strengthened the industry and provided readers with some of the strongest examples of mainstream comics to date.
Price Drop Alert! Saga, Fatale, The Manhattan Projects & More Image #1′s are now FREE! - бесплатные комиксы!!! Ну, если вам доступен формат.
The Middle Ground #118 | Turn left - о трансформации индустрии и роли с одной стороны Большой Двойки, а с другой - компаний с... другой политикой в отношении авторов, в частности Image: The odd thing, perhaps, is that the Big Two publishers are part of the equation at all. If Image is both your launching pad and your escape pod, then why take the detour to Marvel or DC in the first place? I’m asking somewhat sarcastically, because I know that the answer is “because we want to,” as well as “because there are readers out there who pay attention to the Big Two in a way that they don’t pay attention to other things, and it’s a way to catch the attention of an entirely different readership that isn’t available anywhere else.”
Comic Book Casting: The Image 7 - кастинг воображаемого фильма про основание Image Comics. В роли Тодда МакФерлейна - Джеймс Франко. В роли Роба Лайфелда... нет, вы лучше сходите по ссылке, оно того стоит.
Супергерои - DC и Марвел вперемешкуСупергерои - DC и Марвел вперемешку:
DC versus Marvel versus Hollywood - автор задаётся вопросом о том, почему у DC всё хорошо с анимацией, а у Marvel - с игровым кино, и приходит к выводу о том, что это "врождённое": The basic truth is that we watch animation to escape and we watch live action to relate. The characters and universe of DC are a true escape, which is why their animated movies are so great. It is also why, with maybe 3 or exceptions, their live action movies are not so great. The difficulty lies in translating fantastic escape to a relatable experiance. The characters and universe of Marvel are truly relatable, which is why their live action movies are so great. On the flip side, when translating them to animation, the temptation is to make them more than what they are and, thus, the finished animated movies of Marvel leave you feeling like something wasn't quite right.
DC vs Marvel: My Take - а вот тут автор размышляет о том, кто лучше: Карк или Пикард. Извините, у меня сентиментальная тяга к несмешным шуткам: I will judge this on 7 different types of criteria: Heroes, Villains, Movies, Animated Films, Video Games, Graphic Novels, and Teams.
Olympians: Superhero Bodies and What Real Athletes Look Like и Superhero Body Diversity: Female Artists Offer Their Take - комикс-художники разных полов сравнивают разнополых же героев с телами атлетов, профессионально занимающихся тем или иным видом спорта, и распределяют героев по категориям: Captain America is a boxer or a rugby player, though Andrasofszky suggested a marine's physique. All three types could be described as compactly muscular. Because Batman is an all-rounder, he was tagged as either a triathlete or a mixed martial artist. Namor, unsurprisingly, was labelled a swimmer-type by three artists, though Andrasofszky's ranking suggests a bulkier build. The character is more of a brawler than a speedster, so a water polo physique might fit... The artists agreed that Catwoman and Psylocke would be about the same size, "but I think Catwoman has more of an hourglass shape, and I'd give Psylocke more muscles," said Cloonan. "Psylocke should be definitively a bit bigger, in strength and muscle, she hits while Catwoman dodges," said Rios. "I see Psylocke as a martial artist and Selina as an acrobat." Scott echoed this assessment, noting that Psylocke would be "lean but just a little beefy", while Catwoman "still has all her curves."
Thoughts on how the female figure is illustrated in comics these days - Курт Бьюсек отвечает на вопрос на Формспринге: My complaint is that variety is necessary to storytelling. When artists draw all the women to look like they're auditioning for a Vegas chorus line, it gets in the way of storytelling. It even gets in the way of making the characters who are supposed to be sexy look sexy, because if Kitty Pryde looks like a stripper, where do you go to make the White Queen look sexier and vampier? Make her even more so? Doesn't take long down that road to hit "ridiculous."
Ииии я подошла к лимиту знаков в записи. А у меня ещё столько всего более-менее, почти, слегка интересного в запасе! Хм. Э... похоже, продолжение следует!
@темы: DC, Marvel, Image Comics, Ссылки
мне тут чтива на неделю О_О
Спасибо, я старалась).
...да, это ещё не всё...
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Но там не так интересно - не-мейнстрим и интервью.
Плюс отдельно про скандал с Лайфелдом и Чудо-Женщину с Суперменом.
Heavy content day, y'all!
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